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Doctoral thesis : Very honorable mention with the congratulations of the jury for Rodrigue Towanou

“Very honorable mention with congratulations from the jury”, it is the final verdict which sanctioned the thesis defense of Rodrigue Towanou. This verdict makes the candidate now, Doctor from the University of Abomey-Calavi in ​​Life and Earth Sciences, specialty Toxicology-Histology.

The applicant exhibited on Tuesday 25 July 2023 le fruit de ses travaux de recherches sur le thème ” Pollution atmosphérique : Evaluation live des impacts sur des modèles de rats wistar et contribution de la flore béninoise à la détoxification”. Based on the observation of the extent of air pollution, Rodrigue Towanou looked at the usefulness of approaches that meet the challenges of this problem that affects planet Earth.. "I chose this theme to solve the pathologies caused by atmospheric pollution by medicinal plants", he hammered.

To believe it, air pollution is a complex and major environmental problem affecting everyone. “According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 5% of victims of atmospheric pollution concern the African continent alone. The present work aims to evaluate the protective properties of some Beninese medicinal plants against the harmful effects of atmospheric pollution due to exhaust gases on wistar rats.. In order to achieve the objective, he announces “a comparative study of the histopathological lesions of certain vital organs in wistar rats linked to air pollution at two main crossroads in southern Benin was carried out. This study revealed the presence of vascular congestion in the Interalveolar Septa (IS) and some lymphoid clusters (warning signs of lesions). Only the lungs of wistar rats on display at the St Michel crossroads (Cotonou) present anthracotic deposits”.

The results of the ethnobotanical survey made it possible to retain six plant species "the most recorded which are Senna italica (11,56%) ; Momordica charantia (5,78%) and Pencratus triantum (5,20%) at market herbalists and Cassia sieberiana (8,29%); Cyperus papyrus (5,55%) et Anthocleista vogelii (5,55%), among traditional healers. Phytochemical screening of the six plant species showed that all plants are rich in tannins, in flavonoids, in coumarins however Anthocleista vogelii does not have any of its secondary metabolites. Senna italica is the most cited plant species. Quantitative phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of total phenols, flavones, tannins, alkaloids and quinone derivatives. The assessed biochemical and hematological parameters of wistar rats were normal. Senna italica extracts produced no toxic effects or mortality at the dose provided”.

La valeur ajoutée de cette thèse est que les travaux de recherche ont démontré que les extraits de Senna italica ont non seulement induit une augmentation du volume des tissus hépatiques et rénaux mais pas de nécrose. « Les feuilles de Senna italica possèdent une activité antioxydante. They can be used orally as traditional medicines in case of poisoning. The leaves of S. italica therefore constitute a useful phytomedicine resource that can promote human health”.

The jury which evaluated this defense of the postulant Rodrigue Towanou was composed for the circumstance, teachers, Nicodemus Chabi, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Abomey-Calavi (President), Aly Savadogo, Full Professor of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Joseph Ki-Zerbo University (Rapporteur), Jean Robert Klotoe, Associate Professor of Animal Physiology-Pharmacology, National University of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics (Examiner), Victor Dougnon, Lecturer in Microbiology, University of Abomey-Calavi (Rapporteur) and Lamine Baba-Moussa, Full Professor of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Microbiology, University of Abomey-Calavi (Supervisor). For the President of the Jury, Nicodemus Chabi, the university is a force for action and reaction, in the face of the challenges facing our planet. After the reviews, recommendations and appreciations, the members of the jury, to crown the seriousness that shines through in the work and the indisputable scientific quality of the applicant, ont, unanimously, received the doctoral student in the great courtyard of the Doctors of Benin, by awarding him a very honorable mention accompanied by their congratulations.


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