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Superphone made in Africa: Capo-chichi invents a futuristic laptop

What he did in Benin with the Cerco Project already deserved whole pages. His new adventure will be worth a book, see more. Alain Capo-Chichi, has just invented a multilingual smartphone.

He had started by assembling user computers, here he is, inventor of the hyper-intelligent smartphone. Le “Superphone”. A real technological feat. In hand or in a display case, Capo-Chichi's smartphone is no different from the common Android phone. But it is a small technological marvel. According to its inventor, it has artificial intelligence, usable at 100 % in voice command and able to anticipate the needs of its user. One of its specificities; “Koné” sa commande vocale, the most polyglot of voice assistants. Thanks to her, le “superphone” détecte et s’adapte an quelques sorte aux habitudes et préférences de son utilisateur. From Senoufo to Baoulé via Yacouba, the Bété, Koné has the ability to understand 15 Ivorian local languages. But not only. Speakers of African languages ​​like Yoruba, Swahili and Wolof can use it without translator. It's up to 50 African languages ​​that the Superphone can identify.

Outside of Kone, le Superphone est doté d’une super application nommée “Moïse”. It is an application that gives access to other applications. It provides online services. For example, the Superphone user can make purchases or pay bills. These are all characteristics that convinced Orange to enter into a partnership with the Cerco group to. Nearly one million phones are ordered and co-branded OPEN.

Arnaud ACAKPO (Coll)

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