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Health : The benefits of green tea

Green tea

Green tea, commonly called ataï is widely consumed in the northern part of Benin and throughout the Sahel. Native to China and India, il a fini par conquérir le monde entier.

Bachir ISSA

Grouped under the palaver tree, the young people are sitting around the green tea which is their faithful companion. They are patiently waiting to share a glass of this beverage known for its long cooking over low heat.. The preparation of tea is a very special ritual. A green or blue teapot or aluminum, tea glasses, a plate, a gas or coal stove are the necessary materials, in addition to green tea, sugar, fresh mint and water, which are its ingredients. A Malanville et Kandi, the two largest cities in the far north but also throughout the northern part of Benin, the ritual is always the same. Young and old alike, all like to gather around this tea that no one would refuse to share as it cements social relationships.

According to nutrition specialists, there are several benefits of consuming green tea. Thereby, it's not just a drink. It not only has a taste well appreciated by connoisseurs, it is also an excellent natural remedy, an all-in-one for whoever tastes it.

Indeed, according to some sources, green tea helps adjust blood pressure. It relaxes the heart muscles and blood vessels. More, drinking green tea on a regular basis is very beneficial for digestion. Its consumption stimulates cells and optimizes the waste elimination process and ensures good fluidity. In this sense, drinking green tea is a great option for people who have digestive issues.

Moreover, green tea contributes significantly to weight loss and regular consumption is beneficial for those who have good health at heart. As part of the effective fight against diseases that may occur in cold weather, this drink strengthens the immune system and protects the body. Sugar free, it fights against the onset of malaria, fatigue in general and type diabetes 2 by regulating the level of insulin present in the blood.

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