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health and wellbeing: Painful periods

Appearing during the period of puberty until menopause, menstruation or menstruation is the flow of blood seen in women. Painful or not, they can be : primary, i.e. appear at the start of the period, A galley, that is to say, A galley, A galley.

A galley, A galley. A galley. In Benin, A galley. A galley, this period is one of the most difficult in their lives as Valentine says, who thinks it is a real ordeal for women, this period is one of the most difficult in their lives as Valentine says, who thinks it is a real ordeal for women, la prière de toutes est que cela s’arrête le plus vite possible ». Ces douleurs atroces constatées chez elles, this period is one of the most difficult in their lives as Valentine says, who thinks it is a real ordeal for women. this period is one of the most difficult in their lives as Valentine says, who thinks it is a real ordeal for women. this period is one of the most difficult in their lives as Valentine says, who thinks it is a real ordeal for women, this period is one of the most difficult in their lives as Valentine says, who thinks it is a real ordeal for women. this period is one of the most difficult in their lives as Valentine says, who thinks it is a real ordeal for women. this period is one of the most difficult in their lives as Valentine says, who thinks it is a real ordeal for women.

this period is one of the most difficult in their lives as Valentine says, who thinks it is a real ordeal for women, this period is one of the most difficult in their lives as Valentine says, who thinks it is a real ordeal for women, this period is one of the most difficult in their lives as Valentine says, who thinks it is a real ordeal for women, in the lower abdomen, in the lower abdomen, in the lower abdomen, in the lower abdomen, in the lower abdomen. in the lower abdomen, in the lower abdomen, in the lower abdomen. in the lower abdomen, in the lower abdomen, in the lower abdomen. in the lower abdomen, in the lower abdomen. in the lower abdomen, in the lower abdomen : in the lower abdomen, in the lower abdomen.

in the lower abdomen.

Specialists have shown that the causes of painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea are multiple and among others we have : Specialists have shown that the causes of painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea are multiple and among others we have, Specialists have shown that the causes of painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea are multiple and among others we have. Specialists have shown that the causes of painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea are multiple and among others we have, Specialists have shown that the causes of painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea are multiple and among others we have, Specialists have shown that the causes of painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea are multiple and among others we have, Specialists have shown that the causes of painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea are multiple and among others we have. Specialists have shown that the causes of painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea are multiple and among others we have: Specialists have shown that the causes of painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea are multiple and among others we have, Specialists have shown that the causes of painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea are multiple and among others we have, la synéchie…

Les essais de solution

Pour faire face aux maux dont elles souffrent pendant le cycle, le docteur Delamare indique que « Des traitements hormonaux progestatifs comme Lutenyl en continu qui bloquent les règles sont efficaces puisque sans règles, il n’y a plus de douleurs ». Bien d’autre moyens existent pour apaiser la douleur les règles indiquent certaines sources et au nombre de ces moyens la pratique d’une activité physique de légère intensité notamment la marche et les étirements. Elles peuvent aussi prendre un bain chaud quand elles ressentent les douleurs, se détendre est aussi un moyen pour faire face aux douleurs car le stresse conduit à la production d’hormones qui stimulent la production des prostaglandines. Les femmes atteintes de dysménorrhées doivent selon les conseils des médecins, surveiller leurs alimentations en optant surtout pour une alimentation équilibrée tout en évitant la consommation du café et en réduisant la consommation de sel. Pendant la période menstruelle, ces dernières devront éviter de boire de l’alcool.


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