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Health : Foods to keep the lungs healthy

 Health : Foods to keep the lungs healthy

The lungs are vital organs and responsible for breathing. Two in number, they are located at chest height inside the rib cage. They play a vital role in the respiratory system of every human being. However, these lungs can have a decrease in functioning following a poor diet.

The lungs are vital organs that have an exceptional task in the functioning of the human system. As function, they are responsible for transferring into the blood, oxygen present in the air and evacuate into the air, carbon dioxide present in the blood. In other words, they ensure gas exchanges between the air and blood and participate in the distribution of oxygen.

Like the rest of human organs, the lungs work constantly to give the body the oxygen it needs to function. Their role goes beyond what we imagine. They are like a natural filter that cleans waste, micro-organisms and a large part of harmful particles entering the body through the respiratory tract. Research has shown that, the lungs are quite sensitive and need to be pampered and well protected. To maintain these organs in good condition, the Medisite in its publication, give some recipes. Do not smoke (the multiple toxic products inhaled in cigarette smoke cause numerous pathologies such as COPD, asthma, certain lung cancers, bladder, of pleura, of language, larynx and uterus; and cardiovascular diseases); at least ventilate your home 20 minutes per day ; practice regular physical activity to exercise your lungs.

Always in the same source, it is advisable to avoid excessive consumption of certain foods which can cause breathing difficulties such as refined seeds, red meat, desserts that are too rich and fatty foods. Among these foods, we can cite :

Refined cereals (Seeds and cereals are not very beneficial for health, they can cause breathing difficulties because they are low in fiber, in minerals and vitamins).

Red meat (For good cardiovascular and respiratory health, it is advisable not to consume too much).

Desserts too rich (They are very sweet and fatty, excessive consumption is harmful to health).

Fat food (Comme Junk Food, prepared dishes… are very fatty and too salty. Which is not beneficial for health as it can lead to water retention in the leg area, of the abdomen, or lungs. What makes the heart work harder).

Frying (Regular consumption of fried foods causes many health problems such as coronary heart disease., heart failure, diabetes or hypertension. To keep the lungs healthy, it is advisable to consume in moderation).

However, Eating certain foods can help support lung function and reduce the risk of developing all kinds of respiratory diseases.

Broccoli : vegetable belonging to the cruciferous leaf, it protects the lungs from cancer. Thanks to its molecule called sulforaphane and a substance called indole 3- methanol, it is able to stimulate anti-cancer genes, discourage carcinogenic mechanisms and repair damage to cells before they become carcinogenic.

The onions : they are an excellent food for health. It is a powerful antioxidant that eliminates toxins, especially those accumulated in the lungs. It also cleans the respiratory tract and relieves asthma.

Brazil nuts : the lungs need selenium to be detoxified. Fortunately, Brazil nuts are rich in this substance ; a single nut allows you to receive the dose of selenium that the body needs to carry out its detoxification.

Ginger: thanks to its antioxidant power, it helps cleanse the lungs by eliminating the free radicals that are present there. More, it promotes the expulsion of mucus by opening the bronchi and reduces coughing when the lungs are damaged thanks to its antibacterial, anti- inflammatory and antiseptic.

Garlic : it is known for its medicinal properties when it comes to strengthening the immune system ; it contains compounds called allicins that have antimicrobial effects that can help fight bacteria in your lungs, to prevent the appearance of infections and thus improve overall respiratory health.

Apples : they are excellent sources of quercetin, a powerful antioxidant known for its anti-inflammatory properties. This particular compound has been the subject of extensive study due to its ability to protect us against certain types of cancers., especially those related to our lungs. While relieving asthma attacks or other respiratory problems associated with inflammation. Apples also contain pectin which helps boost immunity while reducing mucus buildup in your airways, which makes them more efficient for oxygen exchange.

Green tea : rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, it is equally beneficial for lung function. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) helps suppress lung cancer growth. Rich in theophylline, Green tea acts as a powerful bronchodilator which improves airway function and alleviates breathing difficulties. Its regular consumption could be linked to a lower risk of developing chronic obstructive disease.

Green leafy vegetables : (green cabbages, spinach,…) are full of essential nutrients promoting lung health and also antioxidants, fibers, vitamins as well as minerals. Its consumption may be linked to a reduction in the risk of lung cancer., COPD and asthma in adults.

Salmon: it is known to be very effective in cleansing the lungs. otherwise, it is an excellent source of anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acids. The latter considered to be heart-healthy fats, could promote pulmonary blood circulation and be beneficial for certain respiratory conditions.

Bananas : it is also a powerful food particularly beneficial for lung health. The potassium found in these fruits helps the lungs contract and expand. Which prevents respiratory problems.

Veronique GBEWOLO (Stag)

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