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Vaginal tightening : A practice without consequences

 Vaginal tightening : A practice without consequences

Recently, many women engage in a practice that is taking on considerable proportions : vaginal tightening, a practice which is not without consequences in the sexual life of the latter.

Vaginal tightening is a practice of restoring a narrow shape to the sexual organ. According to the followers of this practice, tightening allows you to rejuvenate your genitalia from well-defined products. Considered by specialists in gynecology to be a danger to the sexual balance unfortunately this practice is nowadays a fashion for many women. "I indulge in this practice to give a narrower than wide shape to our sexual organ", tells us Géneviève who did not hesitate to admit it. "It allows me to please my man. Because he always feels young ”, she adds while hammering "I buy my products at the pharmacy. This method is very effective in getting your man comfortable in bed ". According to Nathalie, beautician by profession, majority of girls who choose to tighten their sexual organ do so under pressure from their spouses. "If the spouse notices that he does not find pleasure given the width of his partner's organ, he can ask her to tighten that up. But also there are girls after an intense sex life decide to bring everything back to square one in order to make their partner believe that they have not been in the past intensively in sex ", confie-t-elle. « J’ai 30 ans et pas d’enfant. Mon problème est que depuis toujours, j’ai un vagin trop large. Je n’ai presque pas de sensations lors des rapports, même avec un partenaire qui est bien ‘équipé’. Plusieurs de mes partenaires m’ont déjà dit qu’ils ne ressentaient rien car c’était trop large”, confie Vanim 91 sur le forum de Doctissimo. Dans ce cas précis, le problème de la jeune femme semble lié à un déficit d’élasticité vaginale. C’est une sensation que peuvent aussi rencontrer des femmes après un accouchement. On the other hand, Chantal believes that the girls who choose this method are those who have intense sexual activity and lack pleasure in view of the enlarged shape of the genital system.. "Otherwise why adopt such a method. The cleaning of her vulva through a good personal toilet is enough ", she indicates.

Impacts of such a method

Today, many products allow this anatomical transformation to be carried out, which is not without consequences, especially when it is done without the advice of a gynecologist. Defined as a persistent or even recurring impossibility of any penetration, vaginismus, for example, is considered to be an anomaly that makes penetration very painful in women. This disorder, which according to specialists is manifested by a contraction of the vulvo-perineal muscles therefore causing the tightening of the perineum and vaginal muscles is also the cause of acute pain and burning sensation in women during penetration., is one of the consequences of vaginal tightening. "It is certain that women who narrow the width of their vagina have no idea of ​​the danger they run since having a narrow vagina is a problem" says Nathalie.. "It's incomprehensible" suggests Diane. For this young girl, "It is useless to want to restore a normal form to his genital organ and to do it, is a way of complicating your life considering the damage that this action can cause ”.

Therefore, opting for vaginal tightening is a danger for those who do so, it will thus be necessary as indicated by the midwife Viviane O. "Organizations that make sexual and reproductive health a priority, and even the health authorities must think about sensitizing young girls on the dangers linked to this dangerous practice ”. She invites girls to more consciousness, because "A vagina that has lost its shape can no longer regain it, you have to be aware and make your choice. A non-regrettable choice. Is, you are waiting for the perfect time to go to sex either, you bear the consequences of early sexual activity leading to enlargement of the vaginal wall ", she concluded.


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