The prefect of the Littoral department, Alain Sourou Orounla issued a decree relating to the compulsory wearing of helmets and the limitation to two, the number of people on a motorcycle in the city of Cotonou. A decision that draws a lot of ink and saliva. And in response to citizens' reactions, l’autorité préfectorale juge ”nécessaire” et somme les usagers de se mettre en règle le plutôt possible.
Despite the discontent that follows its latest decision ordering the compulsory wearing of helmets for all motorcyclists and the limitation to two, the number of people on a motorcycle in its territorial jurisdiction, the prefect of the Littoral department, Alain Orounla does not intend to do an about-face. He stays straight in his boots. Indeed, his last reaction is an illustration of this. For the prefectural authority, il ne s’agit pas d’une décision “punitive” mais plutôt une mesure pour sauver les vies. "This is no more and no less than a measure to save life because motorcyclists are at risk of accidents and are the most vulnerable," he said before adding : "When you fall and find your head on the tarmac, you lose your life ”. For those who make a similarity between this decision and the high cost of living, the prefect of the Littoral indicates that these are two diametrically opposed things. "It is better to be alive and face the high cost of living rather than losing it" he maintains.. In his explanations, il rappelle aux usagers de motos notamment les conducteurs de zémidjan la nécessité d’avoir deux casques à raison d’un casque pour celui qui est au guidon et un à son cooccupant. « Si vous savez que vous voulez emprunter une moto, buy a helmet. Motorcyclists or drivers from Zémidjan can also bring two helmets ”, advises the prefect Alain Orounla.
What about the moratorium granted?
Même si l’ancien porte-parole du gouvernement soutient que la décision n’est pas ”punitive”, a deadline is still set for motorcycle users in the economic capital of Benin to get in order. Without what, appropriate measures will be taken to enforce it. "What is scary, is that our compatriots are often reluctant and always wait until there is repression before starting to observe things as if they were punitive measures. In two or three months, we will start a recall phase, that is, if we are forced to use our security forces to remind motorcyclists of the need to have a helmet, we will do it ". As a popular saying goes, "Obedience is better than sacrifice".