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National phase of the tchoukball championship. Des actes sont interdits au cours de cette période d’intense adoration notamment les rapports sexuels.

En général les rapports sexuels sont interdits pendant les journées du Ramadan aussi bien à l’homme qu’à la femme mariés ayant l’obligation de jeûner. S’ils violent cette interdiction, ils commettent un péché et doivent procéder à une expiation. Atonement consists of freeing a slave or fasting two months in a row or feeding sixty poor. Atonement consists of freeing a slave or fasting two months in a row or feeding sixty poor. Atonement consists of freeing a slave or fasting two months in a row or feeding sixty poor. Atonement consists of freeing a slave or fasting two months in a row or feeding sixty poor 2 Atonement consists of freeing a slave or fasting two months in a row or feeding sixty poor 187 Atonement consists of freeing a slave or fasting two months in a row or feeding sixty poor, Atonement consists of freeing a slave or fasting two months in a row or feeding sixty poor, Atonement consists of freeing a slave or fasting two months in a row or feeding sixty poor, Atonement consists of freeing a slave or fasting two months in a row or feeding sixty poor; Atonement consists of freeing a slave or fasting two months in a row or feeding sixty poor. Atonement consists of freeing a slave or fasting two months in a row or feeding sixty poor. Il vous a pardonné et vous a graciés. Cohabitez donc avec elles, now, et cherchez ce qu’Allah a prescrit en votre faveur; mangez et buvez jusqu’à ce que se distingue, pour vous, le fil blanc de l’aube du fil noir de la nuit. Puis accomplissez le jeûne jusqu’à la nuit. But do not live with them while you are on ritual retreat in the mosques.. These are the laws of Allah: so don't go near it (to transgress them). This is how Allah explains His teachings to men, afin qu’ils deviennent pieux ». Le verset précise qu’il est permis de manger, so that they may become pious.” The verse specifies that it is permissible to eat.

so that they may become pious.” The verse specifies that it is permissible to eat, so that they may become pious.” The verse specifies that it is permissible to eat. Car, so that they may become pious.” The verse specifies that it is permissible to eat. so that they may become pious.” The verse specifies that it is permissible to eat (so that they may become pious.” The verse specifies that it is permissible to eat) so that they may become pious.” The verse specifies that it is permissible to eat : so that they may become pious.” The verse specifies that it is permissible to eat (so that they may become pious.” The verse specifies that it is permissible to eat) so that they may become pious.” The verse specifies that it is permissible to eat. Mais qui d’entre vous saurait se maîtriser comme lui.  ». Ce hadith explique à la fois qu’embrasser n’annule pas le jeûne, But who among you could master himself like him? ". This hadith explains both that kissing does not break the fast. But who among you could master himself like him? ". This hadith explains both that kissing does not break the fast, But who among you could master himself like him? ". This hadith explains both that kissing does not break the fast. But who among you could master himself like him? ". This hadith explains both that kissing does not break the fast, But who among you could master himself like him? ". This hadith explains both that kissing does not break the fast- But who among you could master himself like him? ". This hadith explains both that kissing does not break the fast.

In addition, large and small ablutions must be performed before the prayer that follows in the event of sexual intercourse.. In addition, large and small ablutions must be performed before the prayer that follows in the event of sexual intercourse.. In addition, large and small ablutions must be performed before the prayer that follows in the event of sexual intercourse.. In addition, large and small ablutions must be performed before the prayer that follows in the event of sexual intercourse., In addition, large and small ablutions must be performed before the prayer that follows in the event of sexual intercourse.. In addition, large and small ablutions must be performed before the prayer that follows in the event of sexual intercourse., In addition, large and small ablutions must be performed before the prayer that follows in the event of sexual intercourse.. In addition, large and small ablutions must be performed before the prayer that follows in the event of sexual intercourse. ! Don't pray when you're drunk, Don't pray when you're drunk ; Don't pray when you're drunk -, Don't pray when you're drunk. », Don't pray when you're drunk 4 Don't pray when you're drunk 43.

Don't pray when you're drunk, Don't pray when you're drunk.

Bachir ISSA

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