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Promotion of agriculture in Natitingou: An innovative project for young people

 Promotion of agriculture in Natitingou: An innovative project for young people

The deliberation room of the former CPR of Natitingou served as the setting last week for the communal information workshops. During these meetings, the Youth Employment project to improve food security in northern Benin was presented to the municipal authority and the actors concerned by the said project.

Four sectors are involved in the project, including, market gardening, soy, small ruminants and poultry. On behalf of Atacora, the project will take place in four municipalities. These are the communes of Natitingou, Tanguiéta, Matéri and Boukoumbé. In total, three thousand four hundred (3400) young people with limited prospects for access to economic opportunities, will benefit from this project. On this occasion, members of the municipal OYE selection committee (CCS-OYE) were presented.

Of an agricultural nature, this project mainly aims, according to the technical development partners, to increase the incomes and productivity of young people working in agriculture through climate-resilient agricultural management and a more favorable institutional environment..

Funded by the Netherlands Development Organization, with funding from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Benin, the EJASA-NB project has already started since October 2020 for a pilot phase that will end in December 2022. Present at the launch of this activity, the mayor of the commune of Natitingou, Mr Taté OUINDEYAMA, did not fail to express his gratitude to the promoters of this good project who, according to him, will put unemployed young people to work.

To note that, SNV is present in twenty-six of the poorest countries in Asia, from Latin America and Africa, including Benin, where it has been working 1970. SNV advisors work with local partners by equipping them with tools, knowledge and networking they need to break the cycle of poverty and drive their own development.


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