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Profile of future leaders of Benin : Martial Kpochan reveals the characteristics

 Profile of future leaders of Benin : Martial Kpochan reveals the characteristics

The motto of Benin : Fraternity, Justice, Work is an integral part of the Economy of Being. That, Martial Kpochan, president of the Institute of Being, Accountant, demonstrated it. In a reflection, he described in great detail, what the profile of future leaders should be.

The Economy of Being makes a more in-depth analysis of the motto of Benin embodied by the Fraternity triptych, Justice, Work this, in a much more productive perspective, including a social approach. The brotherhood, in its conceptual level of understanding, refers to solidarity and social cohesion. Fraternity embodies unity and solidarity between the Beninese, regardless of their ethnic origin or religious belief. In rural and urban communities, it manifests itself through traditions of mutual support, community celebrations (Wémè xwé, Hello Obè/Tchabè Culture Festival, Look at yourself, Yam Festival, What?, we also note the presence of the authorities… and warm hospitality, legendary.

This fundamental value is also reflected in economic interactions, where mutual aid and cooperation between farmers, artisans and traders strengthen the resilience of our local economies. In the economy of being, fraternity finds its echo by placing humans at the heart, at the center of economic concerns, favoring the quality of relationships and the sustainability of economic practices over the simple accumulation of material wealth. Further away, the Economy of Being advocates a justice that calls for equity and respect for Rights. Justice in Benin is a fundamental principle whose respect ensures equity and protects the rights of all citizens. It relies on institutions that guarantee equal access to the law and promote social responsibility at all levels of society. This pillar of national motto reflects our commitment to fair and inclusive public policies, aimed at reducing inequalities and promoting well-being for all. Finally, the economy of being sees through work, valuing time and economic empowerment. Indeed, work is at the heart of Beninese economic identity. It represents not only a source of income but also a deeply rooted cultural heritage. Work structures all sectors of the Beninese economy.

In rural areas, peri-urban and urban, work is synonymous with pride and determination to free oneself from want, from poverty to participate in building a better future for communities. Work as a principle participates in the economy of being, which values ​​time as a precious resource and encourages the sustainable use of local resources for development. The Beninese people embody a resilient and dynamic work culture, even in the face of persistent employment challenges. Among the most hardworking in Africa, the Beninese are distinguished by their determination and adaptability. Despite a competitive and sometimes limited job market.

Indeed, as part of their professional integration, young graduates and doctoral students, are willing to consider varied jobs, sometimes below their qualifications, such as motorcycle taxi drivers or local entrepreneurs. So, they ensure their daily subsistence in the hope of the best job. In Benin, in this land of the Amazons, some women play a crucial role working in the market to support their families, while some men work in the fields with admirable tenacity to provide for their children. The Beninese elite invests intensely on a national and international scale, thus making its contribution in various fields of activity with unrivaled expertise. This wealth of human resources represents an inexhaustible source of skills, expertise. Working to adapt this human resource capital to contemporary realities is essential to optimize individual and collective performance..

In the shoes of a future leader

For a country like Benin, the political choices made at the head of the country deviate from the fundamental principles of a society which advocates the values ​​of solidarity and prosperity. Let's say that the expression of the motto of Benin namely : Fraternity, Justice, Work does not translate into the actions of political leaders. Since then, development is distorted. Indeed, Benin stands out not only for its cultural richness and ethnic diversity, but also by a national motto that has guided its citizens for generations. These values ​​are not simple concepts or words, but living principles that shape our collective identity and guide social choices, economic and political. Inspired by Greek tradition, Martial Kpochan, president of the Institute of Being, Accountant – PEFA certified observes that these pioneers of democracy, conditioned it to the practice of virtue. According to him, these latter (the Greeks) considered virtue as an essential condition for the proper functioning and rooting of democracy. » He further reveals that citizenship education allows a greater rate of citizen involvement in the democratic game. This participation of citizens », he continues, » plays a crucial role in the rooting of democracy and contributes to the inclusion of policies and achievements ».

For a brighter future

Fraternity, Justice, Work is much more than words for the Beninese. They are the pillars of a dynamic and united society that aspires to a future of shared prosperity. By integrating the principles of the economy of being into development issues, we strengthen our collective resilience and build solid foundations for sustainable growth. Ensemble, guided by our national motto and inspired by the values ​​of solidarity, of fairness and conscious work, we are shaping a future where every Beninese can prosper in a just society, balanced and resilient : a vision shared by Martial Kpochan, President of the Institute of Being. By capitalizing on the positive impacts of the major societal changes that have occurred in Benin over the last decades, with the national conference of the vital forces of the nation in February 1990 and the changes in perspective which are becoming clearer on a global level, our country comes to offer to the whole world, a development model with the aim of being. Such a perspective is based on an environment where each individual can achieve their potential in a harmonious and prosperous society., because it puts human values ​​at the forefront and consequently distributes, the opportunities, fairly. It is in this perspective that the popularization of the Principles of the Economy of Being falls.. Bringing to the World what we have most precious : our values.

To the question : Should we always rely on traditional approaches to the choice of leaders at the head of the country and the mode of management?, the answer provided by the Economy of Being is a categorical no, synonymous with the urgency to experience something else. As such, the Economy of Being calls for the consciousness of Being : self-knowledge : of the intrinsic rather than phenomenal self, mastery of the relationship between oneself and one's peers and the relationships between oneself and one's peers, with Nature, the environment, the vision.

Patrice ADJAHO

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