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Prevention and fight against violent extremism in North Benin : MP Denise Hounmènou is committed

Of 22 at 24 August 2023 in Parakou, women parliamentarians in Benin were equipped with their roles in preventing and combating violent extremism in North Benin. This training is initiated by the parliamentary institute of Benin (IPaB) en collaboration avec le caucus des femmes parlementaires du Bénin sous le bras technique et financier de “International républicain Institute” et du Wrop-Bénin. An initiative welcomed by the deputy of the political party The Democrats, Denise Mahougnon Hounmènou Wife Hounkanrin.

To hear the women parliamentarians, The “terrorist threat” and dangers linked to violent extremism have multiplied in recent years and are increasingly linked to local levels, regional and international. These consequences are transversal in that violent extremism and terrorism exacerbate the problems of governance and inequalities which are already present in certain countries and societies., while increasing the risk of violent conflict. These violent extremist groups are found to exploit and reinforce divisions between social groups and undermine the social contract between citizens and their political leaders.. Faced with this sad observation, everyone must do their part to curb evil. Women being important in the transmission of values ​​and the resolution of crises, their contribution is requested, hence this workshop for women parliamentarians. Now better equipped for their roles in preventing and combating violent extremism specifically in North Benin, MP Denise Mahougnon Hounmènou wife Hounkanrin and her colleagues have made a commitment to raise awareness among populations to change the situation.

Several communications on the central theme furnished the conclave

Among other communications there are : “Radicalisation, Violent extremism, Terrorism, Jihadism: comprendre les concepts pour mieux les aborder “, “La question des groupes ethniques dans la lutte contre l’extrémisme violent et le terrorisme” présentés par Dr Aziz Mossi, Sociologist. “Extrémisme violent et terrorisme au Bénin: causes, manifestations et conséquence” présenté par Odilon Koukoubou, Project Manager IRI Benin; “Les femmes dans les groupes extrémistes violents en Afrique de l’Ouest” présenté par Estelle Djanato, Security and gender specialist. D’autres ont également porté sur “la réponse de l’État contre l’extrémisme violent et le terrorisme au Bénin”. “Forces et faiblesses du cadre juridique et Institutionnel de lutte contre le terrorisme au Bénin”, “La coopération régionale de lutte contre le terrorisme : que retenir des expériences du G5 Sahel et de l’initiative d’Accra”, “Le rôle des femmes béninoises dans la prévention et la lutte contre l’extrémisme violent” et “Des initiatives portées par les femmes pour la lutte contre l’extrémisme violent” sans oublier “Extrémisme violent et recours aux valeurs culturelles comme moyens de prévention”. This theme clarified by Dr Thierry Bidouzo, Assistant professor in public law.

Arnaud ACAKPO (Coll)

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