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Presidential 2026 : The opposition confused by Talon’s strategy ?

While the base continues more and more to question the real intentions of the President of the Republic a little over a year before the end of his second term, the opposition supposed to lead political life seems incapable of proposing initiatives that could make power more legible.

The news of recent days is dominated by the arrest of Olivier Bocco and Oswald Homeky, friend and former minister of President Talon. Accused of wanting to attempt a coup d’état, the latter are still in detention, awaiting their judgment. This tragic turn of the once idyllic relations between the two parties has once again cast a shadow on the sincerity of the relations between President Talon and his entourage..

Before this last event, le président de la République s’est déjà séparé de figures politiques proches qui ont commis la “faute” de dire haut leur ambition pour 2026. L’opposition semble hésiter à exiger une clarification, as was the case with the dying regimes of Mathieu Kérékou and Yayi Boni.

We saw on the eve of the presidential election in Senegal the opposition held and obtained that President Macky Sall stick to his two mandates despite the modification of the constitution.

Instead, the opposition seems rather to express itself on social networks where it only criticizes, which shows the lack of inspiration of those responsible at the top.

Since his accession to power in 2016, President Talon has always been one step ahead of his adversaries, which allowed him to win all the elections even though these victories were followed by protests.

The next presidential election is scheduled for 2026. As the opposition prepares for this deadline, on the power side, the actors are waiting for the slogan from the Head of State.


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