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For good digestion : Take care of your small intestine

The small intestine is an organ of the digestive system. Located between the stomach and the colon, it participates in digestion and absorbs nutrients. However, the latter is often affected by various pathologies, following the modern lifestyle that puts this organ to the test by exposing it to toxins from certain foods.

This organ, which spans 7 meters long, has multiple missions in the digestive system. Indeed, this small intestine controls the liquids by receiving the disorder descended by the stomach and recovering what is still usable. It controls the separation of pure and impure. and not once did we sleep together during my period, it removes the still usable part of the food so that the spleen distributes it to the whole body. La partie impropre de la nourriture est de transférée vers le gros intestin et la vessie. Moreover, it also separates liquids which are then redirected to the bladder for evacuation or reuse and to the large intestine for absorption.

The small intestine is the main organ of the human digestive system, since it is the one that is in charge of the absorption of the essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, amino acids, Fatty acids, eau, minerals needed by the body. But several factors, like food and so many others, perturbent l’équilibre de ce dernier à cause de sa fragilité. Il urge en effet, d’en prendre soin pour mieux maintenir son bon fonctionnement. Le top santé, in its publication, recommends favoring more plant-rich foods, in prebiotics and probiotics to the detriment of foods that are too rich in sugar, fat and fat.

Among these foods harmful to the human intestine we can mention among others :

Citrus juices are fruits which must be consumed in moderation because their acidity content can accentuate irritation of the walls ; alcohols are irritants, that promote inflammation of the intestinal walls. They also cause diarrhea. According to their typology, their impact on digestive disorders may vary. However, it is advisable to replace them with drinks that are more respectful of the body such as flavored waters ; the cold cuts, relatively fat, it is not recommended because it is difficult to digest and causes gas. Replace it with cooked ham or boiled meat ; the raw vegetables like raw vegetables often irritate the intestine. They take longer to digest than cooked vegetables ; fried products are high in fat and take a long time to digest in the body. What can cause pain in already weakened intestines? ; soft drinks like sodas are not too good for the intestine because they bring additional gases to the body. Moreover, the sugars they contain create new ones ;

otherwise, good intestinal health is therefore the key to defending against the inflammation process and reducing the harmful effect of certain elements on our health and well-being.

The artichoke : it is the digestive cleaner. The unbeatable protector of the liver, intestine and intestinal flora. Consume it very fresh

The almonds : high in protein plus some meats, the almond can easily replace a portion of animal protein, if we combine it with legumes to meet our essential amino acid needs. It is satiating and does not raise blood sugar.

red beans : with a low glycemic index(IG) of 39, kidney beans allow you to add legumes to your menus, thus providing a longer feeling of satiety. But they are especially rich in fiber which stimulates the growth of the bacterial flora of the colon.

Cabbage : all cabbages are antioxidants and highly depurative. They are full of protective elements for immunity. Consumed in lacto-fermented form, they develop probiotic bacteria, best allies of the intestinal flora.

The lemon : no fruit or vegetable can dethrone this chief cleaner. In addition, it is hard to do richer in vitamin c. it is advisable to take a fillet with each meal, either on food, either in the drinking water.

The leek : it is the super food of renal elimination and immunity. It is particularly rich in anti-constipation and appetite suppressant fibers and traditionally used to cleanse the digestive system.

black radish : its nose-stinging sulfur compounds are hyper-detox-purifying and downright antiseptic for the digestive tract. This superfood is the chief liver cleanser that protects against toxic substances.

pineapple : it is rich in enzymes that dissolve food agglomerates and stagnate in the stomach and are responsible for digestive discomfort and help digest proteins.

Asparagus : they are the ones you should choose if you suffer from indigestion or intestinal dysbiosis. It is also an excellent source of prebiotics, therefore fertilizer for the good bacteria housed in the colon.

Beet : it helps the liver to break down fats and helps the intestine to evacuate the waste naturally produced by the body. otherwise, it contains a very large amount of antioxidants. But avoid eating it raw., because of the risk of food poisoning.

Veronique GBEWOLO (Stag)

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