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To keep his spleen in good condition: Here are some tips

 To keep his spleen in good condition: Here are some tips

The spleen is a little-known organ, but which is part of the lymphatic system, which contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system. In a healthy subject, it measures 12 cm on 8 cm and weighs between 200 and 300 grammes. Maintaining this organ will be essential for those who fall ill easily in order to prevent them from painful symptoms..

Located in the upper left part of the abdomen just below the diaphragm, it is irrigated by the selenic artery which brings it blood from the heart. The spleen protects the health of the individual and in particular his body from viruses and bacteria. Its role is crucial, it is the major organ of the digestive process. It actually produces white blood cells (lymphocytes et les phagocytes) who in case of infection, will fight against aggression. She also has the role, to filter the blood by participating in particular in the renewal and recycling of used red blood cells.

The spleen is the only lymphoid organ, essential for the prevention of infections with encapsulated microorganisms. It ensures the transport and transformation of organic liquids and everything we eat. When it functions correctly, the appetite is present, digestion is good and the transit of food is easy. On the other hand,  in case of energy blockage from the spleen in the stomach, digestion is impacted. This energy imbalance then has repercussions throughout the body and we notice abdominal distension., difficult digestion, fatigue as well as diarrhea with the presence of undigested food. This is why the role of the spleen is so crucial..

According to Chinese dietitians, to preserve the energetic quality of the spleen, cold foods should be avoided (ice cream, cold drinks), the humid ones (dairy products, cheeses, fries, charcuterie), foods too high in sugar or fat for breakfast.

To enable this organ to function optimally and thus provide high quality vital energy, here are some tips partly inspired by Chinese medicine that you should follow:

Adopt a square rhythm : have a well-defined schedule for each meal and stick to them. For these times, try not to eat dinner too late in the evening and not overeat. Don't forget to have breakfast in the morning, and not to eat too much outside of meals; Don't overeat so as not to deplete your spleen's energy; Chew to prepare the transformation of your food into vital energy; Eat and drink hot and even lightly cooked foods because your digestion needs heat ; Avoid frozen foods and drinks as this causes shock to the entire body, thereby forcing the digestive system to work harder, Also avoid excessive alcohol consumption; Avoid too much dairy products which are very difficult for the spleen to digest.; Avoid refined sugar in all its forms; Avoid eating raw vegetables and limit foods rich in gluten.

However, here are some foods to always tone your spleen in good condition but take them in moderation. Among these foods we can note:

The cereals : cereals like rice, the quinoa, dried beans, chickpeas, barley, bulgur, millets are excellent foods that strengthen, strengthen and nourish the functions of the spleen and stomach. It is recommended to consume them cooked and unrefined..

Legumes : legumes like lentils, broken pos, Chickpeas, adzuki bean except (fresh soy), they stimulate the energy of the spleen and stomach. Very rich in B vitamins, in minerals and fiber, they have a low glycemic index. Pre-germinate them three times before cooking them for a long time, to ensure proper processing of starches, with aromatics and kombu seaweed improves their digestibility and neutralizes flatulence.

Nuts and dried fruits: nuts are known in Chinese medicine to be beneficial to the energy of the rat. Here are some ideas for dried fruits and nuts to add to breakfast: Hazelnut, almonds, pecan nuts, prunes, dates, figues, dried apricots.

Vegetables : the vegetables (carrots, turnips, parsnip), squash cabbages chestnuts, champions and sweet potatoes are the best foods that nourish and tone the spleen.

Animal products : seafood products (anchovy, crab, shrimp, herring, mackerel, mold, sardine) are beneficial for the spleen. A reasonable quantity of chicken meat is also recommended.

Spices : spices like garlic, ginger, peppers, cinnamon, the cardamone, the Nutmeg, cloves, fennel, star anise, coriander are a favorite of the spleen. It is recommended to consume fresh grated ginger regularly as it warms the dish and promotes digestion.

Veronique GBEWOLO (Stag)

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