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“Spoiled” coins and crumpled banknotes : The mess continues...

The press release from the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the ban on the refusal of worn coins and crumpled banknotes looks like water off the back of a duck in the eyes of good ladies, merchants and merchants. They don't care. They keep refusing these coins and bills as if nothing had happened. A practice that sometimes creates tension

In Akpakpa the last time, a fight almost broke out because of this practice as old as the moon. An atassi saleswoman had just refused a piece of 200 CFA francs handed to him by a young man. « Hey!! Change the money for me, it's spoiled,” said the saleswoman. “Spoiled? Asked the young man before adding you made the money once? It's the only piece I have left in my pocket. : “If you want come and rip me open to get your rice back ohhh. D’ailleurs ils ont interdire de refuser l’argent maintenant ». Et C’est la goutte d’eau qui a fait déborder le vase. <<Go and buy from whoever said that,” retorted the good lady who girded her loincloth and prepared to pounce on her interlocutor.. Had it not been for the prompt reaction of the taxi-motorcycle drivers commonly known as zémidjan, the scene was going to turn to drama. These kinds of scene are legion in the streets of Cotonou and in many other localities of the country. If it is not a zémidjan who refuses to accept a piece that he considers spoiled, it is a buyer who finds that the part which was given to him as a remainder is damaged.

Many are those who, avoiding these bickering, find it difficult to exchange in these circumstances. You can have cash on hand and sleep fast. You can have cash on hand and go to work late. Just because the dealer or the Taxi-moto driver thinks your ticket is crumpled or taped. Others categorically refuse parts of 250 f CFA on the pretext that it is no longer used. It is also difficult to use the parts of 5, 10 or 25f CFA nowadays. Whether new or not, several dealers and traders point out as opinions that these pieces would be dedicated to fetishes. Wacky and unfounded arguments, explains the press release from the Ministry of Economy and Finance. « Je voudrais rassurer les populations qu’aucune pièce de monnaie n’est dédiée à une divinité et que les pièces dites “lisses” ou ayant perdu leur éclat ainsi que les billets de banque qualifiés de “froissés” ont toujours cours légal et pouvoir libératoire sur toute l’étendue du territoire national et dans tous les pays de l’Union Monétaire Ouest Africaine (WAMU) ”corrected Hermann OrouTakou, Chief of Staff to the Minister of Economy and Finance, mail signatory. The statement especially specified that the "refusal to receive the currency having equal currency in a member state of the WAMU is punished by the texts in force". “The people who hold these mutilated or smooth coins as well as crumpled banknotes, have the possibility of changing them free of charge at BCEAO counters”. In the field, the eve of the application of this decision seems not to be for tomorrow. In any case, the resellers are not ready to assimilate the press release from the Ministry of Economy and Finance. They keep on doing what they want. We will have to pass the sanction to discipline each other.

Arnaud ACAKPO (Coll)

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