(Suffering actors)
The actors of used vehicles live the martyrdom. Indeed, the introduction of incidental fees on used vehicle sales fleets continues despite all the efforts of the authorities. What makes life difficult for the players in the sector and they call on the government for help.
It grumbles at the level of used vehicle sales fleets. Indeed, les faux frais perçus font froid dans le dos des acteurs de la filière. Malgré les dispositions prises pour mettre fin à cette pratique, les transitaires surtout font toujours face à ce que d’aucuns qualifient de ”rançons”. In front of this situation, the actors of the sector are sounding the alarm bells. For Justin FAGBEHOURO, freight forwarder on one of the local sales parks, what happens with buyers of used vehicles is out of the ordinary. "Before the advent of the new start, the second-hand vehicle sector was completely in agony where its players, in particular freight forwarders, became Zémidjans drivers. Many foreign importers had returned home. Parks had to close. But by a special touch in 2017, President Patrice Talon through a decree from the Minister in charge of transport, Hervé Héhômè then to relaunch the used vehicle industry "he explains and continues : « Il faut avouer que l’esprit de cet arrêté dit que personne ne devrait payer encore les faux frais mais je vous assure que c’est le calvaire dans ce registre à l’heure où nous sommes” déplore le sieur Justin FAGBEHOURO.
He goes further by giving some details on the incidental fees collected.. "When today, you come to the park if you buy a used vehicle, you are subject to incidental fees of 30,000F CFA for saying- they safety battery 50.000F, for the cost of photocopies of importers cards, 2.000 to push a vehicle, 10.000F pour dépôt de caution et beaucoup d’autres choses que les autorités ont toujours entendu à travers nos déclarations ». To do this, the competent authorities are invited to put an end to this practice. "And that goes through the dematerialization of the procedures in the matter", he suggests.