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Ouvrage “Dako Donou: un roi deux trônes”: The story of an unknown founding father

The royal cosmogony of Benin is rich in its human resources whose heroism is little known to the general public.. C’est ce qui sous-tend le lancement du livre intitulé “Dako Donou, a king, deux trônes”, co-produced by Dodji Amouzouvi and Blaise Dako Wêgbè. The work was launched on Saturday 23 April at the University of Abomey-Calavi under the co-sponsorship of the Honorable Ake Natondé and Septime Aguidissou Alavo.

It is a long research work started since 2018. It involved collecting information, testimonials, documentary materials and study of remains. And allowed the two authors Dodji Amouzouvi and Blaise Dako Wegbe to trace the origins and history of Dako Doko. The thesis of the editors is clear, namely that the latter is the first King of the Fons and Guédévis. The book, A try, was published by Éditions du Larred. From cover to last page, it presents itself as a work that will be a landmark in history, due to the wealth of information, content density, without forgetting the quality of the editorial style, appreciated Doctor Florent Eustache Hessou, the presenter.

having reigned from 1625-1650, le roi Dako Donou, four centenarians after his accession to the throne (1620-2020) remains today in the living memory of the populations. This biographical book gives enough details on the history of royalty in Benin, in its diversity, its plurality and its unfathomable mysteries. A major contribution to the writing of the authentic history of the kingdom of Danxomè. A work on the life and reign of a unique and unparalleled sovereign, who is the only one known to date to reign as well on the throne of Houawé (1620-1645) than on that of Allada (1625-1650). »

The book is a reconstruction of the life and itinerary of King Dako-Donou, on the places and circumstances of historical and heroic deeds, with the aim of restoring the truth of an unknown but glorious past. It erases the untruths of the past on the history of Danxomè and the city of Houégbadjavi. King Dako Donou is rehabilitated, thanks to this book, in his status as founding father of the kingdom of Houawé-Danxomè. The title "In the Beginning, were the ancestors Aligbonon-Agassou and Adjahoutô” on page 21 gives a broad overview of this royal paternity of Doko Donou.

About the authors


Pontiff of the God Sakpata, is in civil status, Come AMOUZOUVI. He is Full Professor of Religious Socio-Anthropology. Holder of a PhD obtained in Germany, he is a specialist in religions and is currently working on the issue of norms and religion in West Africa. Scientific Director of the Analysis and Research Laboratory : Religions, Spaces and Development (LARRED/UAC), he is passionate about the history of Danxomè and has been presiding since 2018, the organizing committee of the Four centenary of the accession of King Dako Donou to the throne.

Dako L. Wégbè Ounflinto Blaise is Zootechnician

PhD student in agronomic sciences, Holder of a Professional Masters in Animal Production and Biotechnology and a Research Masters in Agronomic Sciences option : Management of Animal Resources at the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of the University of Abomey-Calavi, He was already interested in endogenous religion and is also passionate about the history of his country Benin.. Permanent secretary of the scientific council of the organizing committee of the four centenary of Dako Donou, he coordinated the team of researchers for the collection of data for this book.


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