The Beninese authorities are not lacking in initiatives in the fight against Gender-Based Violence. For this purpose, the NGO NASEF Benin is launching towards the end of this month of October, a vast campaign involving all the actors concerned in this case, girl students and teachers. The launch of this activity will take place at the CEG of Zè in the Atlantic department.
“Aux grands maux, grands remèdes”, says the adage. So, given the lackluster picture presented by the situation of Gender-Based Violence, particularly in schools in Benin, tous les moyens sont bons pour arrêter la saignée. D’où l’organisation prochaine de la croisade contre les Violences Basées sur le Genre (Women and young girls continue to be victims of all kinds of violence despite the legal arsenal available to Benin and the awareness campaigns made by the State and certain civil society organizations). Taking the case of the fairer sex, both academically and socially., les données statistiques sur le phénomène font froid dans le dos. Cette activité dont le top sera donné le 29 October 2022 at the General Education College of Zè therefore aims to keep girls in the school circuit so that their efforts, those of parents and teachers are not in vain. To succeed, plusieurs activités sont prévues. Il y a des séances de sensibilisation des apprenants filles comme garçons, teachers, of the administrative staff of the CEG and the populations of the municipality of Zè on the causes, consequences and methods of preventing early and/or unwanted pregnancies in schools. As well, will it be for the organizers to work to promote excellence at the level of the female gender. This, through the encouragement of the best girls in the various end of school year exams. The aim is to impact many target actors, namely, learners (girls and boys), teachers and college administrative officials at the end of the current school year. For this purpose, a database will be created to get an idea of the target people per college for the smooth running of the caravan which will be organized on the occasion.