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Age limit for recruitment in the public and private sectors : The other door open to illegal migration

 Age limit for recruitment in the public and private sectors : The other door open to illegal migration

Employability in Africa remains one of the most worrying subjects currently to keep young people in their country. About fifty years ago, finding a job opportunity has never been a headache. Better, it was the very Rulers who visited homes to force those who held a minimum of diploma to become civil servants in the public administration. This time has passed, mainly due to the economic recession currently gripping the world, which is forcing African leaders to change their tune.. Même le secteur privé qui devrait aider l’Etat à juguler le problème de l’employabilité se désengage.

Recruitment in the public and private sectors is very low. Next to, there are barriers that are set up to prevent a certain category of people from having access to administrative functions. And this situation is observed in many countries around the world and especially in Africa.. The age range today for having access to the civil service or working in the public sector is between 18 at 35 years. All those who do not find themselves in this bracket are left to their sad fate even though they are graduates. Their chance of finding employment is very poor. Or, of this age group which goes from 35 at 45 years, even 50 years, there are some who keep in good physical shape, psychic, mental and intellectual which, through their knowledge and skills can still provide added value. In the minds of many, they are rejected by their own country and become “FORGETTEN OF THE REPUBLIC”. Car, despite their diplomas and skills, they have never found a job despite having tried their chances for a long time through competitions and other recruitment offers. Hit by the age criteria, these people no longer have any room for maneuver. They are stuck while there are no concrete policies to allow this group to secure their own jobs.. No funding for self-employment initiatives or projects. Or if there is, these policies are nothing but pure illusions since through their execution, they do not fundamentally reach the targets for which they are intended. Indeed, politics gets involved and the files or applications which are accepted receive a favorable opinion on the basis of the client's head. Result ! From this layer of society, some are manipulated by terrorist organizations. On the other hand, others in search of El Dorado “where life is good” decide to migrate to Europe to find themselves without even wondering if there is a risk they run.

In makeshift boats, they cross thousands of kilometers to reach the West. Those who are lucky succeed in their challenge while others end their lives in the sea. According to data published by the United Nations (HIM), at least 8565 people have died along migration routes around the world in 2023. What makes this year 2023, deadliest ever recorded, according to data collected by the Missing Migrants project. According to the statistics, the balance sheet of 2023, represents an increase of 20% compared to 2022, highlighting the urgent need for action to prevent further losses. In Africa, Many of the recorded deaths occurred in the Sahara Desert and along the sea route to the Canary Islands..

African leaders must further increase efforts to settle young people whatever their age in order to create optimal and democratic working conditions.. Car, studies have shown that most people who end their lives in the waters, are those who do not have a job or are victims of the age limitation to be recruited in their country even though they are graduates. Which is an open door to illegal migration. Some countries are making efforts to limit this appetite as best as possible at the level of their juvenile layer.. Benin, for example, is already making efforts in this direction. But “As long as there remains to be done, nothing is done”, it is said. It will be necessary to develop more policies to satisfy all levels. Open the field and give the chance to all Beninese graduates. Of this layer of “unemployed graduates” there is a part whose skills no longer even appear in recruitment offers. These are those who make literary series.

Heureusement que le programme des ‘’Aspirants aux Métiers de l’Enseignement’’ (AME) est en train d’absorber certains au Bénin. La migration clandestine est rare au Bénin. Très peu de jeunes béninois s’intéressent à cette façon d’aller se chercher en occident. Mais il est important d’agir davantage pour maintenir le cap.


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