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Leonide Isidore GBAGUIDI, febegym president: "To be honest, the level has seriously dropped "

 Leonide Isidore GBAGUIDI, febegym president: "To be honest, the level has seriously dropped "

It is one of the sporting disciplines that are the pride of Benin on the continent.. It's about gymnastics. In an interview he gave us, the president of the Beninese Gymnastics Federation, Leonide Isidore GBAGUIDI, revealed the broad outlines of its program of activities for the year 2021. He took the opportunity to discuss the current state of fitness of athletes during this coronavirus pandemic period. Read instead!!!

2020 has been a difficult year, synonymous with an almost blank season for your athletes because of Covid 19. At the end of last year, the government lifted the suspension on the practice of sport. How and when do you plan to launch activities at your level? ?

Effectively 2020 has been a year, we can not anymore, painful for all stakeholders in sport around the world and particularly for the young federation that is the Beninese Gymnastics Federation (February gym). The difficulties for athletes are immeasurable. Which means that 2020 was a special year but not a blank year in Gymnastics. This is explained by the fact that we had activities at the beginning of the year 2020 and our athletes took part in the African Aerobic Gymnastics Championship which was held in March 2020 in Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt resulting in 18 medals won in total. It was after this that the suspension measures were taken by the Council of Ministers. Which measures we have scrupulously respected.

The lifting of this suspension was very well received by all those involved in Gymnastics. The resumption of activities has been gradual at the level of our federation. The Executive Office first, immediately after the suspension is lifted, held a meeting to take stock of the situation and discuss the measures to be taken for a recovery without consequences for the athletes. Ensuite, another tripartite meeting took place between the Executive Bureau, the Technical Directorate and all the Offices of the Technical Commissions. Which allowed us to discuss the technical details of resuming activities. This work meeting quickly transformed into a training session in physical preparation, anatomy, physiology, psychology, training theory, Long-Term Development of Athlete Performance (DLTPA or DLTA), etc. We therefore agreed on the procedure to be followed by all febegym coaches. After that, all technical staff were invited to assess the condition of the equipment stored in the store since mid-March 2020. And finally a press release was published by me inviting all stakeholders to resume activities.

What will be special during this pandemic period ?

The particularity will be on several levels. Indeed, we must learn to live with the existence of this pandemic. There is a need to manage the stress that this pandemic has caused.

 The activities of the federation will be carried out in compliance with the measures recommended by our government.. By inviting all those responsible to take the test,  I set an example myself by doing the screening and I have already been followed by the Secretary General of the federation. You should know that Long-Term Development of Athlete Performance is now our compass in all disciplines of Gymnastics. Proof, a physical trainer is permanently available and training schedules have been rearranged.

We know that the suspension has harmed the athletes, we can get an idea of ​​their current form ?

Maintenance activities can never replace training and training can never replace competition. Better, it is a discipline where the athlete is first and foremost his own competitor because he must exceed his own limits. So you understand that, despite the arrangements we have made, the level of the athletes can no longer be that of before the suspension. To be honest, the level has seriously dropped. We therefore lost a good part of our investments.

Beninese gymnastics began by taking off on the continent before Covid-19. What are the major events and projects in sight? ?

 There are many major events. And here we find it difficult to commit to it because we have serious problems with financial resources. Having not received subsidies in 2020 and not yet 2021 and having prepared and participated in the African championship 2020, we have debts that are not paid on this date. Although as President, I arranged for debt payments such as plane tickets for 10 people, hotel costs in Egypt, maintenance of athletes and coaches etc.. Some events have been postponed 2020 in 2021 by the International Federation or the African Gymnastics Union. We must participate in an international championship in Egypt at the beginning of May. But we must commit to it already this month of March to allow the Organizing Committee to plan hotels and logistics. We also have the African Trampoline Championship, Double Mini Trampoline et Tumbling.

We have the General Assembly of the African Gymnastics Union and that of the International Gymnastics Federation this year. There is a Trampoline academy that Benin must host and another Acrobatic Gymnastics academy which will be hosted by Burkina Faso or Benin. Several coaching training camps and judge training for 2021 are scheduled. You can imagine our difficulties in carrying out all of this at the same time..

 The government has launched the professionalization of Beninese sport, your point of view on the matter. And how gymnastics intends to initiate this change ?

To tell the truth, professionalization is a very good initiative.. However, we must take into account that it must be progressive and take into account the particularities of each sporting discipline.

Your final word

Managing the covid-19 pandemic was a first for us. We hope that the government will be sensitive to all our difficulties and truly support us through this pandemic period..

I would like infrastructure to be built for the practice of gymnastics and equipment to meet standards to be acquired.. I thank the Beninese Gymnastics family, particularly the athletes, for the sacrifice they make..

Interview by: Damien TOLOMISSI

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