Mainly female underwear, the thong is more and more popular with women especially young girls who have the desire to discover their buttocks shapes to seduce. All the same, son port n’est pas apprécié de toutes.
Fat, less fat or even slender, many women in their wardrobes do not fail to include the presence of the thong, an underwear with various functions. If for some of the women questioned about the reasons for wearing the thong, it is a sensual and attractive underwear, for others it is a bottom like the others.
Indeed, this western-origin undergarment having the shape of a triangle and made of fabrics covering the genital area whose cords keep it in place is more and more visible in galleries selling women's clothing.
Like the others below, the thong allows them to protect their genitalia but also to give the wearer a certain silhouette. "This is an underwear like no other. The thong has specificities that other underwear do not have. For example, it allows women to seduce through the posterior because by putting it on the one who observes, sees a vibration at this level. And today we all know that's what men care about ", explique Nathalie vendeuse de vêtement pour femme. « Il m’arrive de porter ce dessous par moment surtout pour des évènements spéciaux. It's an underwear that works when you have a good posterior "says Rufine, adding" Others also use it to please their spouses. It is a seductive and very stimulating underwear. La plupart des hommes ne résistent pas quand ils le découvrent ».
On the other hand, Annabelle believes that you can only wear it at home when you are with your partner. "The rest is depravity", she says. An idea that does not share Eunice who finds no harm in wearing this underwear even when "we go to work". Elle précise qu’« il faut pourvoir assumer tous les regards ce qui fait qu’il est mieux de le porter sous un jeans ».
This style of clothing does not suit some women. For trying to put it on once for an outing, Fidélia finds it very embarrassing "I tried to put it out of curiosity but quickly took it off because I was embarrassed. J’avais comme l’impression de n’avoir rien porté comme dessous » indique la jeune étudiante. Angel jure ne jamais porter un tel sous-vêtement « Jamais je ne vais mettre un pareil sous-vêtement. Women do it and by far they are remarkable. I have no interest in wearing this thing ", she proclaims. She also castigated the wearing of this underwear, Tatiana says she knows that "What prompts girls to wear such underwear, it is primarily to attract the attention of men, secondly they wear it to please men and bar their bodies. Particularly, I'm not the type to wear clothes that expose my body so I don't like this style of clothing ".
For men, opinions on the question remain divided even if for many of them, they are very sexy when they wear the thong and this allows to better appreciate the bottom of the latter. this being, beyond being an underwear, le string est une arme de séduction et d’attirance.