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Parliamentary inquiry into the CNCB : Parliamentary inquiry into the CNCB

Parliamentary inquiry into the CNCB 16 Parliamentary inquiry into the CNCB 17 January by as yet unidentified individuals. A case among many others in the departments of Borgou and Donga.

According to some media that reported the circumstances of the kidnapping of Moussa Bah Séro Kèssè, chief of the central district of Nikki, would have arrived at his house on Sunday night 16 January 2022 when he was greeted by four hooded and armed individuals. They would have ordered him to follow them.. Since, it's the hustle and bustle. No more news from him except when he allegedly called his family to say that his captors would demand the sum of 15 million francs before releasing him.

This case of kidnapping which affects an authority is unfortunately not isolated. The kidnappers swarm in particular in the southern regions of Borgou and Donga. Often, they identify a person they think is wealthy, follow his actions in order to remove him at the appropriate time.

For illustrative purposes, just in the Tchatchou area in the commune of Tchaourou, several people were thus delighted between 2019 and 2020. This is the case of Ahidjo, a caregiver with a ransom note of 2.000.000. Same case for a herdsman named Tchoumon. During the same period, un autre bouvier travaillant pour le compte d’un propriétaire d’animaux a été retrouvé mort après parce que la rançon tardait à venir. A Bakperou, a father and his son were saved thanks to the hunters who went in search of the kidnappers.

For its part, Ezekiel, a cattle dealer had the honor of being called by those seeking to kidnap him. The latter demanded that he pay the price of his freedom, otherwise he would be caught.. “I would rather die than give you anything”, he retorted. Faced with its firmness, il a été laissé en paix après une période de harcèlement. Le phénomène semble se déplacer vers d’autres régions après que les chasseurs locaux se soient impliqués dans la sécurisation des citoyens.

More, as in the case of Nikki's CA, the perpetrators of these acts of terror always act in the same way. Armed to the teeth, they delight citizens whose family or relations they are sure have the capacity to pay the amount demanded. Here, it is an authority. More, this time, their package sounds like a wake-up call for all of the country's security officials. Certainly, individuals are already detained at the Criet for such crimes but with the terrorists who threaten at the border with Burkina Faso, efforts will no doubt be redoubled to put an end to this underworld.


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