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Youth and drug addiction: A dangerous affair

 Youth and drug addiction: A dangerous affair

Repetitive consumption of one or more toxic substances is increasingly observed among young people. An abuse that is not without consequences for the latter in search of pleasure.

Drug addiction among young people is now a reality and is becoming very common among young people.. It is due according to specialists to the search for pleasure but, also, it is caused by anxiety, trauma, relational problems and now by the desire to do like the others. Drug, alcohol, cocaine, hemp and several other substances are thus consumed by these young people, thus exposing their lives.

 “It is no longer rare to see young people on the street or in specific places consuming products harmful to their health. Cigarette, alcohol and even certain drugs are increasingly a necessity for them. In group or alone, they indulge freely in this practice” says Clément Hounguè Vice-president of an organization fighting against drug addiction. The latter is joined in his reflection by the young activist Belvine K. who affirms with desolation "The subject is very touching and disturbing. Today, many of these young people are drug addicts. the peak, the young girls are not worried they indulge in it without embarrassment ». For this awakener of conscience "The stakes of pleasure are taking over human values. For various reasons, everyone embarks on the consumption of a toxic substance without first thinking about the dangers..

This is also the case for energy products.

Some people also indulge in the consumption of energizing products (Drinks, tablets, syrups, these products come in many forms) for various reasons in order to gain new physical strength. The most subscribers are people carrying out activities requiring a certain energy. Those who work all day long, in particular taxi-moto drivers, are not excluded from this practice.. This is the case of Jérôme, a motorcycle taxi driver. Like his friends, this young adult stops in a little corner where he usually has breakfast before starting his work day. "I come here every morning to have tea", let know the man whose figure is similar to that of a young man from 30 years. The particularity of what the latter calls “Tea” is a whole other component that comes out of the understanding.. It is a tea to which he adds a powdered product that he takes out of a packaging on which we read "energy".. "I understood that you have to build these capacities before you start the day. So as not to be tired after a few hours of work, I mix this product with tea. This gives me the guarantee of finishing my working day without getting tired ”, explains the latter confident in the effectiveness of the product. He's not the only one to frequent these makeshift places. In about ten minutes, the small shed is being filled by young men, for most Taxi-moto drivers but also some workers including Gaston a mason. After the heavy day of work the day before, the young man still slathered with cement came to do the daily ritual. The difference at home, the mixture is particular, other substances are added to the preferred tea given to him. "For the work I do, I need a lot more strength ", he says with pride and adds a smile to his lips, explaining that "the motorcycle-taxi driver does not need the same energy as the one who takes heavy loads, the same for the trucker. Everyone has an idea of ​​the strength they need..

The consumption of these energizing products does not only concern this category. Some young people, although not practicing a heavy activity, also take a liking. For most of them, these are the drinks. Thus, the latter taking advantage of the need for thirst do not fail to take such drinks. For some people, they are aware of the contribution of these products but others do not even know their usefulness. "I often take energizers but I admit that it is without knowing their effects. For me it's just to quench my thirst ", suggests Patrick. Women are also affected by taking these products. For the majority, it's back from a hard day at the market or in a workshop. These have a preference, these are tablets not prescribed by a doctor. "I sometimes take pills that have energizing power when I come home from the market. This allows me to recover before the new morning ”says Viviane a cereal seller.


The addiction, the overdose, accidents, physical and psychological damage are among others some consequences related to drug addiction. More, these ailments are mostly not known among drug addicts. “The consumption of toxic narcotics gradually destroys those who indulge in it but, who for the most part are unaware of the dangers they will face in the future”, indicates a toxicologist who proposes "the health authorities must take the situation seriously and put everything in place so that we have fewer young drug addicts. The phenomenon is already entering our schools. It takes a lot of sensitization and awareness. The bars and nightclubs which are today the receptacles of these young people must also be associated in this fight ".


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