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News of political parties in Benin: News of political parties in Benin

 Jeûne musulman: News of political parties in Benin

For a few days, les fidèles musulmans ont entamé le mois sacré de jeûne. Une période faite d’intense adoration et de prière. Tout musulman qu’il soit vieux ou jeune est concerné par cette période de pénitence. Mais il y a une catégorie de personnes exemptées du jeûne.

Il est permis au malade de ne pas jeûner le mois de Ramadan. Allah Exalté Soit-Il a dit: “Whoever of you is sick or traveling, shall fast an equal number of other days., Surah Al-Baqarah verse 184. Mais Le malade pour qui ne peut jeûner le mois de ramadan est celui dont la maladie lui rend le jeûne pénible ou qui nuit à sa santé. “A patient who, his illness does not allow him to fast now, but after, once he was cured, he can fast. Il y’a des malades dont leur maladie est chronique, that is to say, it would be until the end of life. those, Islam asks them not to fast, but they will give food during the month of Ramadan, 29 or 30 jours “. Rencontrer dans un hôpital de la place, Amidou affirme que le docteur lui a interdit vu le mal dont-il souffre «Il m’a été interdit de jeuner car j’ai un problème de sang. J’ai besoin de transfusion de deux poches de sang régulièrement. Le médecin m’a conseillé de ne pas jeûner », he said. On the other hand, Souliath n’a pas été exemptée du jeûne après sa consultation « Je souffrais de petits problèmes de fatigue mais après les soins, I am fit to continue my fast”, she says with a smile.

Aussi est-il permis au voyageur de ne pas jeûner. Mais il devra tout de même rattraper les jours manqués. The journey which allows not to fast is identical to that allowing the shortening of the prayer. It corresponds to that which is commonly recognized as such and this, provided it is done for a lawful purpose. But if the trip is illicit in nature, or that it is used as a trick in order not to fast, alors c’est un acte proscrit. Anas Bin Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him said: “We traveled with the Prophet, Peace and greetings of Allah be upon him and there were among us those who fasted and those who did not fast, and it was happening without us blaming each other about it”. Authenticated by Al Boukhari. This is therefore permitted provided that fasting during the trip is not a source of great fatigue.. And if it turns out that this fast is a source of difficulty, so abstaining from it is preferable, because the Prophet, paix et salutation d’Allah sur lui a vu un homme en voyage, sitting under a tree, protect yourself from the sweltering heat, with people surrounding him. The Prophet, Paix et salut sur lui a alors dit: “It is not part of goodness to fast during the journey”. It's the same for an old man.. He can't fast, and he also has to feed, he must not fast.

De plus si la femme enceinte ou qui allaite craint que le jeûne soit une source de danger pour sa santé, alors elle ne doit pas jeûner et elle devra rattraper les jours manqués comme le ferait une personne ne jeûnant pas pour cause de maladie. The Prophet, Peace and salvation be upon him said: “Allah, Exalted be he, exempted the traveler from fasting and half the prayer, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women”. Words reported by At Tirmidhy. But if she only fears for her baby, and not for his own person, then she will have to catch up on the fast and on top of that, feed for each unfasted day a poor. Indeed, Ibn 'Abbaas said, May Allah be pleased with him: “The breastfeeding woman and the pregnant woman should not fast if they are afraid for their child., mais elles doivent plutôt rompre leur jeûne et nourrir des pauvres” Rapporté par Abou Daoud.

Les femmes en menstrues

A la question de savoir si est-il permis à celle qui a ses menstrues de manger pendant le mois de Ramadan avec un groupe de femmes qui ont leurs menstrues aussi ? Et si elle mange seule, y a-t-il des limites qu’elle ne doit pas dépasser en mangeant ?

Si une femme a ses menstrues pendant qu’elle jeûne au mois de Ramadan, explains the site it is obligatory for him to break his fast. “It is not lawful for him to fast. And if she fasts, his fast will be invalid. She must also make up for those non-fasting days due to menstruation after the end of the month of Ramadan”. Ibn Qodâmah a dit dans « Al-Moghny » : “The Ulema are unanimous in saying that it is forbidden for those who have their periods or their lochia to fast. They must break their fast for the month of Ramadan and then make it up after ; and if they fast, their fast is invalid. Aisha, May Allah be pleased with her, to say : « A l’époque du Prophète () when we had our period, we had the order to make up the days when we had not fasted without having the order to make up the prayers which we had not accomplished”. The order here came from the Prophet (). Abou Sai’id a dit, the Prophet () to say : "If any of you have your period, does she not stop praying and fasting ? This is what explains the incomplete character of his religiosity..


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