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Young lady : who is your role model ?

 Young lady : who is your role model ?

On the occasion of International Women's Day celebrated on 08 mars 2023 where the whole world has a special thought for women, NaSEF-NGO which works for the promotion of excellence shines its spotlight on one of the model women whose career it evoked in its Manual called “Young girl! who is your role model? ''. A book prefaced by the Vice-President of the Beninese Human Rights Commission (CBDH) Madame Sidikatou Fatimatou Adamon Bissiriou Wife Houédété and which will be officially launched at the start of the new school year 2023-2024

From 2019 at 2022 that is, after more than three (3) years of intervention in the school world through various projects including the one relating to the budding geniuses game, we were able to observe that despite the many measures taken for the promotion and enhancement of the fairer sex, the situation of female students is less favorable because of certain socio-cultural constraints which tend to relegate women to second place. The right to education is a fundamental right, reason why the Beninese State has made it a priority and guarantees the effectiveness of this right with regard to all its sons and daughters through the constitution, more precisely in its article 13 “the State shall provide for the education of youth through public schools. Primary education is compulsory. The State is gradually ensuring free public education.. But certain factors, in particular the pregnancies observed more and more among young schoolgirls as well as gender-based violence, come to blunt all the ardor of the various actors in the academic world, without forgetting of course the investment of parents..

With a view to combating these various scourges, NaSEF-ONG has launched a vast awareness campaign where the promotion of excellence and especially the development of female leadership are carried by the torch. It is therefore in this context that the Handbook ''Young Girl! who is your role model? '' Have been realised.

This manual is an instrument for awakening and raising awareness of all students throughout the national territory.. By means of this document,  NaSEF-ONG intends to equip our young sisters of our high schools and colleges so that they are actors of their own development and to take full responsibility for their part of the mission in the construction of a beautiful and radiant Benin from all points of view.. On the occasion of the meeting of the National Executive Bureau which took place this Saturday at the headquarters of the party, they must be encouraged to define clear and precise objectives, to have models from which they can draw inspiration but above all to fight fiercely against all the phenomena likely to constitute for them a blockage for their school curriculum through the popularization of certain texts of laws which protect them. “It is with a view to giving a foretaste to our readers that we come to share with the public,  in remembrance of Mother's Day celebrated on 04 June 2023, the course a figurehead, a full mother, a model woman who needs no introduction”, said Edmond Kakessa, president of NaSEF-ONG

This is Mrs. Chabi Talata wife Zimé Yérima, an icon, a fighter woman, a figurehead who, by his skills, his temperament and his managerial capacity could have amazed more than one.

Chabi Talaa, exemplary woman

Born 7 July 1963 in Bembéréké in Benin, Mrs. Chabi Talata wife Zimé Yérima is a Beninese politician, professor of philosophy and executive of the Beninese administration. She has been Vice-President of the Republic of Benin since 23 May 2021 after her election alongside President Patrice Talon, of whom she was the running mate during the Beninese presidential election of 2021.

After a literary baccalaureate obtained in 1985 au CEG Pigeon Center Cotonou, she joined the faculty of letters, arts and humanities (FLASH) from the National University of Benin, where she studied philosophy. A l’issue de sa licence, she passed the entrance exam to the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Porto-Novo for a specialization and graduated from the CAPES in philosophy. In 2006, she is admitted to the entrance examination to the Training Center for National Education Supervisory Staff (EFPEEN), which allows him to access the body of inspectors of general secondary education.

She officiates in several establishments in the north of the country, such as the CEG Hubert-Maga and the Notre-Dame de Fatima seminary, but also in the superior, at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Porto-Novo. His career in education was completed by his access to the corps of inspectors of general secondary education., following his success in the EFPEEN competition.

Mariam Chabi Talata also holds administrative positions at local and national levels. His administrative career began in 2003 as censor of the CEG Hubert Maga. From 2013 at 2016, she is a delegated pedagogical inspector (IPD) departments of Borgou and Alibori. Then, of 2016 at 2019, she holds the position of Director of Secondary Education at the Ministry of Education.

Political background

The political commitment of Mariam Chabi Talata began in 2001 with his membership in the UDS party of Sacca Lafia. She was elected municipal councilor of the city of Parakou de 2008 at 2015 and occupies in this context the position of president of the union of women elected municipal councilors of the departments of Alibori, Borgou and hills (UFeC/ABC). In 2016, she militates within the coalitions of political parties which supported the candidacy of Patrice Talon in the presidential election, from which this one will emerge victorious. In the context of the reform of the party system, she is one of the founding members of the Progressive Union party (the LNA party benefited from the support of the political parties of the presidential movement, in particular the Union ¨Progressiste), on whose behalf it participates in the legislative elections of 2019 as Deputy Interior Minister Sacca Lafia. After the elections, she became a member of the 8th legislature and entered the history of the country by becoming the first woman to be elected to the position of 1st vice-president of the National Assembly. In 2019, during local elections, she is the first woman on the UP list in the 8th constituency. This early “heeler” is announced in January 2021 as running mate of Patrice Talon as vice-president, in view of the presidential election of 11 avril 2021. The tandem is elected.

Elements that motivated the choice of this leader by NaSEF-ONG

Mrs. Chabi Talata marries Zimé Yérima symbolizes rigor with a speech imbued with courtesy and respect. These numerous interventions during his national tour in view of the presidential elections of 2021 are sufficient to satisfaction. In situations of violence and tension, she managed by her speech to appease the various actors concerned while challenging them to be responsible for their actions. His professional career, his outfit, her speech makes her a woman who deserves deep consideration. She is undeniably an example of social success that proves that despite the ups and downs of life, everything is possible as long as you remain determined and committed to achieving the objectives of your life project.. Her journey should inspire young girls to become more aware of the fact that they can only have a place of choice in society through their qualifications., their skills or simply by the quality of the person they have become.


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