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“Je suis encore vierge”: The masterpiece of a book enthusiast

“Je suis encore vierge” est l’une des nouvelles sorties livresque et déjà présent dans les bibliothèques. Its author, Ghislain Viatonou, student in the Department of History and Archeology at the University of Abomey-Calavi.

Passionate about books, celui que les intimes surnomment “le Géographe” bien qu’il suive ses études en Histoire peut désormais se faire compter dans les rangs des écrivains béninois. Winner of the Golden Trophy in 2017 a reading and writing competition organized by Beninese writer Amzath Hakim Laleye, the native of the Capital, s’est engagé à réaliser le rêve qui est le sien de “devenir écrivain”. By publishing this first novel Ghislain thus enters this circle of authors.

In 136 pages, he comes back to virginity, a moral principle dear to women and to a certain number of religions but also a weapon of persuasion. Ghislain with his finest pen traces the story of Dominique, a young man in love and Belmine a young and beautiful girl who only demands love and affection from her prince. For this fact, elle lui sortait cette phrase honorifique “JE SUIS ENCORE VIERGE” chaque fois que ce dernier faisait ressentir son désir. The girl alone knew she was the nature of her game and gained the trust of her conquistador (Dominique) who euphorically promised her marriage. Only Belmine had already experienced sex and continued to give herself to this excellent carnal pleasure. But as we read, you won't be able to hide the rays of the sun with your hand. The truth was known but too bad for Dominique the marriage had just been celebrated.

“Je suis encore vierge” paru aux éditions du Printemps de Ghislain Viatonou vient une fois de plus remettre en cause la virginité orale de certaines jeunes filles qui physiquement ne l’ont plus. Attrayant et instructif ce Roman mérite d’être parcouru.


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