Following the uprising caused by the convocation of the first authority of Bantè, Edmond Laourou Babalèkon on Friday 19 Mars 2020, the person concerned clarified the situation.
Having learned that the mayor of their commune would be summoned by the Criet, des populations ont entravé une procédure de transmission de convocation au Maire. Après l’incident, le maire joint par Banouto a affirmé qu’il n’avait “absolument rien” à se reprocher et regrette les évènements qui se sont déroulés.
“Ah oui, i fear for myself. I'm not afraid because I did something. I fear because we know the state in which, on est aujourd’hui.” s’exclame le Maire craintif. The member of the FCBE explains that it was following rumors on social networks that the information of his summons reached him and then became reality.
The municipal authority pointed out an ambiguity when delivering the said summons : “La convocation nous a été décerné par un huissier de Porto-Novo. It's a bit as if we no longer have bailiffs in Abomey. I come from Abomey. Allez-y comprendre quelque chose.” Il faut noter que ces derniers jours, a wave of opponents was arrested on different grounds of undermining the peace of the state. And the mayor to conclude : “Voilà autant d’éléments, who put together, font que je crains pour moi-même.”