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Rise in the price of bread in Benin : Between cacophony and resignation

This is the great confusion, from the bazaar to the limit that is currently observed in Benin with the price of bread. Since monday 20 February 2023, the sale price of the baguette to resellers has increased to 112 FCFA. Decision taken by the Association of Promoters and Operators of Pastry Bakeries of Benin. Association officials say they want to respect the price set by a decree dating from 2008, but never applied.

Many will think twice before ordering bread in Benin. The price has changed. It's no more 125 CFA francs the ordinary baguette. It costs 150 FCFA by place despite the watchword of the Association of Promoters and Operators of Pastry Bakeries of Benin. Appeared on Capp FM, the president of the association hammered that the sale price to the last consumer has not changed and will not change anytime soon. “We need a decision from the government first”, said Anselme Aguemon. But on the ground, la réalité est toute autre. Les vendeurs refusent de mourir seuls. " The situation is serious. We can’t bear” protest many of them. “We took the bread to 100 francs to resell it to 125 with a margin of 25 FCFA. Today, it's up to 115 FCFA that I was delivered and I am forced to sell it to 125 French. So I'm gonna win now 10 French. How will we clear the freight and bag fees ? ” Ask the good ladies crossed in the streets of Cotonou. “Those who said to sell this to 125 FCFA come to sell it themselves” launched Dame Christelle before continuing. " In any case, I will sell the baguette to 150. And that's all ".

The worrying silence of the authorities

Mardi, some bread sellers in the Dantokpa market have initiated a boycott movement. Although shy, the idea is to show their fed up. For them, the costs (buy and sell) imposed by bakers are inapplicable. They said they did not sell on Monday or Tuesday and do not intend to give in. Crusader in front of a display, Emmanuel is addicted to bread. " It is complicated. I came to buy bread now and they tell me it's up to 150 frank the baguette. I bought but I do not think to continue because 150 FCFA, it's too expensive" he said with a tight expression. Between the diktat of bakers and the refusal to comply by resellers, the consumer is mixed like wheat flour. He is abandoned to his sad fate. Meanwhile, the reaction of the government is still awaited. Faced with the already latent social rebellion and pressure from economic operators, the risk of unpopularity is great. But what about opponents? ? What are they waiting for to address questions of clarification to the executive in order to situate each other ? Did they quit too ?

Arnaud ACAKPO (Coll)

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