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Drama of Kpayo in Sèmè: Several deaths

 Drama of Kpayo in Sèmè: Several deaths

(Wadagni announces measures)

Emotion, sadness, tears, messages of compassion for the victims and relatives of the victims in the fire which caused more than thirty deaths and injuries this Saturday 23 September 2023 in Sèmè it rains from all sides. Government ministers such as Wadagni, Hounkpatin, Tognifodé and Alassane Séidou were on the scene. The former president of the republic, Good job, also. Everyone went to see the damage and showed their compassion for the victims.. The Porto-Novo prosecutor gives the first clues.

“Trafficking in contraband gasoline is at the origin of the deadly tragedy that occurred in Sèmè Kraké” indicated the prosecutor of the city of Porto-Novo. In a press release made public on the Saturday evening of the disaster, Abdoubaki Adam-Bongle, underlines that “the fire broke out around 9 hours 30 minutes in the store of Mr. Zinhouémédé Jean, located in the commune of Sèmè-Podji, precisely in Kraké-Plage, in the Glogbo 2 district” we read in the press release published by the latter. The tragic fire was probably started during the unloading of bags of gasoline commonly called “Bohoumbo” of a Nissan brand vehicle registered AR 1937 RB” according to witnesses interviewed, confided the prosecutor of the city of Porto-Novo.

The first report mentions the prosecutor's press release reporting “35 deaths, including a child, more than ten seriously injured people evacuated to hospital, as well as significant material damage”. After expressing his most sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims of this tragedy, the prosecutor of Porto-Novo announced the opening of an investigation and the installation of a crisis unit in order to inform the parents of the victims.

The government's prompt response

A strong government delegation was on the scene and then at the bedside of the injured this Saturday 23 September 2023 at the National Hospital and University Center of Cotonou. According to the Minister of the Interior and Public Security, there were charred deaths since “the cause of the fire, It’s contraband fuel.”. Alassane Séïdou, however, was delighted with the spontaneous response of the fire brigade group. “The group was alerted at 9 a.m. 49 minutes and 6 minutes later the truck was there since we had ambulances and a fight truck in Sèmè”, he confided.

In the process, the Minister of Health, Benjamin Hounkpatin according to Banouto said that medical teams recorded injured people burned at ”fairly significant degrees with body surface areas mostly going beyond 40%”. “With the intensity of the fire, burn levels go up to 100% of body surface ». “If for some, the cases are very serious, for others, there is hope,” he points out, reports radio beep. He also added that the age of the injured ranged between 12 and 43 years. Véronique Tognifodé, Minister of Social Affairs and Microfinance addressed the social steps taken by the State. “As soon as the wounded were transferred, coverage of all medical costs is free (…) and similarly, our social workers are also organizing themselves to provide psychological assistance,” said Véronique Tognifodé.

Wadagni announces measures

The government plans to restructure the sector and intends to retrain the players who run it according to comments made by national money reported by the press. “What happened this 23 September 2023, clearly shows us that there is an urgent need to change the way this product is marketed (contraband gasoline). This is why last year the government ordered tens of thousands of mini-stations. Two thousand have arrived since June and are being installed. From here 2024, all over the country, we will have these mini-stations”, declared Romuald Wadagni reports L’Expression. It is planned, he continues, “A new meeting with the stakeholders is planned for next week to agree on the terms of implementation of this project”.

In some streets, he announces according to the same source “you have all the 10 or 20m from sellers following each other. We will not be able to finance the installation of several dozen mini-stations on a street. So, some of the actors will have to be retrained, trained and benefited from a decent job to feed their family. As for those who will continue to sell gasoline, they will have to do it from these mini-stations”. According to the national treasurer: “Those who are in it must be professionals whose supply chain through to distribution is controlled”.

Good job, sympathize

Boni Yayi has not lost his habits. A few hours after the tragedy that occurred this Saturday 23 September 2023 to Sème Kraké, the former Head of State went to the scene to see first-hand the extent of the damage. The honorary president of the Les Démocrates party was accompanied by a strong delegation from the party. Objective to inquire about the circumstances of the tragedy that occurred and provide support to the victims.

UP the Renewal, Republican Bloc, FCBE …

The Progressive Union Renewal just like the FCBE and the Republican Bloc; each party through a press release invited the government to very quickly elucidate the circumstances and causes of the fire, occurred in Sèmè-Podji, which caused several deaths. They also presented, each at their own level, their condolences and compassion to the victims., parents and relatives.


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