To understand how a pregnant woman should maintain herself from the beginning of her pregnancy until delivery, an interview is carried out with the Promoter of the Cabinet Médical Saint Dénis, the gynecologist-obstetrician, Doctor Christian TOHOUENOU. Read instead !!!
The beginning of a pregnancy in women is generally observed by discomfort. Can we say that pregnancy is a disease ?
Pregnancy is a natural state in women of childbearing age that marks the development of an egg from conception to delivery.. La maladie est définie comme une altération de la santé. De part ces deux définitions, it is easy to deduce that pregnancy is not a disease. Even if pregnancy can give rise to associated pathologies.
What to do when you feel the first signs of pregnancy ?
When a woman of childbearing age misses her period, she has to go to the hospital for a pregnancy test. This test will confirm whether or not it is a pregnancy. If the test is positive, she will be prescribed an ultrasound to confirm and locate the pregnancy. From there she will obtain appointments for follow-up of the pregnancy. She has to stop the cars- medications, adopt a healthy lifestyle (no tobacco, no alcohol, hydrate well, eat properly and sleep under an impregnated mosquito net). She must keep her pregnancy follow-up appointments.
It is often said that during the first months, you should not take any tablet so that the baby does not suffer a malformation. If yes. So how to proceed ?
Comply only with the prescriptions of the doctors or the midwife because certain drugs can cause malformations in the embryo.
Let's talk a bit about the importance of the prenatal consultation ?
The prenatal consultation is a consultation made by a qualified health worker whose aim is to bring the pregnancy to term., as well as an uncomplicated childbirth. The prenatal consultation reveals the risk factors of the pregnant woman, detects possible illnesses and treats them, provides promotional and preventive care, all this by clinical examination, the prescription of the prenatal check-up, iron-foldin supplements, deworming, malaria prophylaxis.
What is the role of midwives and gynecologists in monitoring a pregnancy? ? And how much ultrasound should be done ?
Qualified health workers are responsible for the management of pregnant women, childbirth and postpartum period. Three ultrasounds are recommended : one to 12 on (Amenorrhea Week) to confirm pregnancy and define gestational age ; the second to 22 SA to check morphology (absence de malformation) and the third to 34 SA pour le pronostic de l’accouchement. Mais en fonction des facteurs de risques, additional ultrasounds may be requested for monitoring certain fetal conditions.
Are there any special arrangements to be made ?
Forcément. Quand on est enceinte, l’objectif est d’avoir la maman et le bébé en bonne santé après l’accouchement. Il faut suivre et réaliser le bilan prénatal. Prepare for childbirth. On parle du plan pour l’accouchement. Il s’agit de choisir l’agent de santé qui va suivre sa grossesse et faire l’accouchement ; Save money to reassure the costs of childbirth ; Designate those who will accompany the woman when she is in labor and also those who will take care of the other children at home when the woman is in labor ; Know the means of transport by which the woman will be brought to the hospital at the appropriate time ; Choose a blood donor, Consult in case of danger signs and prepare the baby's kit.
How to know when it's time to give birth ?
Already at the beginning of the pregnancy the health worker estimates the term of the pregnancy thanks to the date of the last menstrual period and the ultrasound. The signs of labor are taught to the woman : painful contractions that come and go intermittently, loss of the mucous plug (thick mucus with some blood) and the loss of water.
When the child is born, what behaviors to adopt and how to take care of the child ?
Ce sont des conseils de puériculture. Lui donner le sein, know how to groom him, ensure their vaccinations and consult in case of problems.
After childbirth. Why do we say that breastfeeding is necessary and water is forbidden?.
Le lait maternel est un lait complet qui comporte toutes les vitamines nécessaires au bébé pour sa croissance. Ce lait contient aussi des anticorps qui protègent le bébé contre les infections. Ce lait contient la quantité d’eau qu’il faut au bébé pour sa croissance. So no need for water.
Collected Comments : Veronique GBEWOLO (Stag)