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Community development : A step in the district of Ségbohouè

The district of Sègbohouè in the commune of Kpomassè has been equipped with a new development infrastructure. This is a station commissioned by the company Alkom Energy.

In areas underserved in terms of energy, a gas station means better access to this societal need. This is what the managers of Alkom Energy understood by building this community development lever in Sègbohouè. This station is designed to improve mobility and stimulate the local economy. “This infrastructure built by local labor is proof that in Benin there is competence in the metal construction sector”, explains Rufin Yenonfan, general manager of this company.

For municipal and local authorities, traditional chiefs present at the ceremony, rural and semi-urban communities, where the distances between places of residence, the steps, schools and health centers can be important, the presence of a service station becomes an asset. According to them, it will allow residents to move around more easily, whether for economic activities (access to markets to sell agricultural products), social (visit relatives) or educational (transport to schools).

The president of the District Development Association, Anicet Houngbo, on behalf of the people, thanked this company which wanted to establish this gem in its locality. He recalled that Sègbohouè is a trade crossroads which had sheltered, formerly, several merchant units. The Mayor of the town, present at the event, welcomed the initiative of Alkom Energy, calling it “unprecedented” and encouraged the company to continue serving remote areas to promote grassroots development. Something to which the company's managers agree, emphasizing that this new station in Sègbohouè represents a key step in Alkom's mission to make clean energy more available across the country., while reducing its carbon footprint.

Patrice ADJAHO

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