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Cumin : An anti-cancer seed

 Cumin : An anti-cancer seed

Cumin is a herbaceous plant from the Apicaceae family., like parsley,  caraway, fennel or cilantro. Cumin is a multi-benefit spice and contains many nutrients. Its unique composition makes this plant a precious ally against several pathologies.

Like many spices, cumin is known for its antispasmodic properties, antalogiques, anti-inflammatory and antipyretics. Thanks to its components, this spice is effective in preventing and relieving most digestive problems, as well as reduce foodborne infections. Indeed, cumin is considered a good source of iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals. It also contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin B6, as well as beneficial amino acids. With its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, cumin is a good ally for tonic digestion. The latter relieves digestive disorders of all kinds, like flatulence, constipation, bloating and stomach pain. Cumin is particularly recommended to prevent and solve this type of problem. It stimulates the appetite and promotes sleep.

otherwise, some research shows that cumin can stimulate the production of pancreatic enzymes and aid in digestion. By its beta-carotene content, it turns out to be a good antioxidant and fights against cellular aging and promotes the renewal of certain organic tissues. Likewise, cumin seeds contain natural substances that act as antioxidants. This means that these substances called apigenin and luteolin prevent free radicals from attacking healthy cells.. Excellent diuretic, cumin stimulates good urinary elimination and helps cleanse the renal system, usually under infusion. Cumin is also a mine of minerals. It contains iron, two calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, two potassium, and lots of sodium. These are essential for the proper functioning of the body, precise the Health Nutrition Passport. "Iron is needed, for example, to make hemoglobin.. Phosphate is, with calcium and magnesium, the mineral mass of the bony skeleton”, can we read on the site of the health authority.

This spice has a detox asset. Indeed, this spice rich in phytosterols is a precious ally to refine the silhouette and rid the body of toxins that harm its balance. Experiments have shown that its daily consumption in the form of herbal tea, regulates appetite. Cumin also contains a specific compound, cuminaldehyde which exerts a hypoglycemic effect, that is, it reduces blood sugar levels. Cumin has an action on cancerous pathologies, especially stomach and liver cancer. Researchers in one study confirm that out of nine (09) popular herbs and spices, basil and cumin were the most powerful anti carcinogenic herbs. It is attributed a protective action of the cardiovascular system. More about the hormonal system, cumin has also proven its benefits on women. This stimulates the rise of breast milk in breastfeeding mothers thanks to its galactogenic properties. It promotes the onset of menstruation. The consumption of cumin is also beneficial for the brain. On this topic, a study found that cumin protects against memory loss and the damaging effects of body stress. It stimulates the central nervous system, which has even prompted studies of its potential benefits in patients with Parkinson's disease..

Side effects of cumin

Cumin is a spice that has enormous medical properties. However, consuming cumin seeds may have adverse effects on digestion.

Here are some of them : Stomach pains (cumin seeds are known for their gas-relieving properties, but ironically, it can also cause one of the most common digestive problems, heartburn). The Pocket Guide to Herbal Medicine, says cumin seeds aid in the expulsion of gas in your gastrointestinal tract ; Belching (the carminative effect of cumin seeds can also lead to excessive belching) ; Abortive effects (cumin seeds may have an abortifacient effect on pregnant women. This means that consuming large amounts of cumin seeds can lead to miscarriage or induce premature labor) ; Prohibits diabetics (diabetic patients need to control their blood sugar level. They should have normal blood sugar level to stay healthy. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels are a strict no for most diabetics. As previously mentioned, cumin seeds can decrease sugar levels quickly and can cause high blood sugar levels. So people with diabetes should consume cumin in moderation.) ; Allergies (consuming cumin seeds can also cause skin rashes and allergies.

Veronique GBEWOLO (Stag)

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