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Culture / Mourning: Gbèssô Wémèton leads to his last home

Le 1er juillet 2020, l’un des baobabs de la musique traditionnelle béninoise tourne dos à la scène. He has name, Wémèton's message, Adrien Hounkpatin à l’état civil. Il a été inhumé le 10 October 2020 at his home in Atankpè, a village in the district of Hounviguè in the municipality of Bonou. Before the burial, tributes due to his rank have been paid to him by authorities including the Beninese minister in charge of culture, Jean-Michel Abimbola.

E. H

He marked his existence with several musical works steeped in moral lessons. The Dean of Artists, singers and composers from the Ouémé Valley, Adrien Hounkpatin has been resting since Saturday 10 last October with his ancestors. “Gbèssô Wémèton” from his artist name, the man who parted ways with the mic for good in the early hours of Monday, July 1 2020 following a short illness received a shower of tributes before his burial. This both from his artist peers and his biological family and of course from the government through the Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism, Jean Michel Abimbola qui a honoré de sa présence. « C’est une énorme perte pour la génération montante de la musique traditionnelle du Bénin en général et celle de la vallée de l’Ouémé en particulier », said Jean Michel Abimbola. “Gbèssô during his lifetime represents a source of inspiration to our generation”, se désole l’artiste Yves Boko alias ” Cékpé. Gaston Kouton (Zomandokkopon) emphasizes for his part that "It is a Beninese cultural library that was burned".

It should be noted that he was buried in strict family intimacy in the village of Atankpè in the commune of Bonou.

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