Passionate about art, Boladji Parfait Koukoui is a young visual artist from Benin. He dreams of carrying the banner of Benin high through his different creations. To find out who Boladji Parfait Koukoui is and how he arrived in this world of beautiful creatures of art, your daily Gaskyani is embedded in his universe.
Interview by Flavien Lopez
Originaire from Porto-Novo, Boladji Parfait KOUKOUI is a visual artist, self-taught, prophet and specialist in African sculpture in terracotta and painted. He was born on 17 Avril 1987 à Bohicon. Residing in Abomey-Calavi in the Atlantic department where his artistic creation workshop is located. His passion for art in general was born from his childhood when Parfait KOUKOUI illustrated with admiration his creative thoughts.
True : Where did your passion for the job you do today come from? ?
“J’ai connu des difficultés au cours de mon cursus scolaire faute de moyens ; I was not able to achieve my goals in studies until I dropped out of classes to start working life. And my starting point has been art, because this is an area where I have discovered talents since my childhood. Very young I was a revelation in my community and I understood early on that I would one day become an icon in the field of Beninese art. By this passion and this gift that I have of drawing and making notebooks of choice for candidates for the Primary Studies Certificate (POCKET) at the time, I developed this passion and this gift in sculpture and painting, today. I am strongly inspired by ancestral practices, deities, voodoo and everyday facts in the creation of my unique works, originales et authentiques à terre-cuite et peinte.”
Why did you choose to pursue a career in sculpture and painting ?
” J’ai choisi la sculpture et la peinture parce-que je veux être un spécialiste de ce domaine. Moreover, I really like to shade the colors and like to live in the colors of this nature. I am clay, la terre…”
Can we make a living from this profession in Benin ?
“(…), more or less ;because being a visual artist, it's a long way. And visual artists do not make a living from art. Art as a vector of development ; but before the visual artists of Benin made a living from art, il faut que les institutions publiques comme privées soient amenées à la consommation locale et à mettre l’art dans les programmes scolaires.”
You are also in training, who can be trained at Boladji Parfait Koukoui ?
“Oui ! I also advocate training according to the program of parents or the person who wants to be introduced to basic pottery. Anyone, male or female, aged 4 and over, eager to be trained, et à l’initiation peut venir chez Boladji pour sa formation.”
What's your final word ?
“Merci à vous pour le déplacement…. I make a strong appeal to our leaders to include art in school curricula and help me to have, my BOLADJI space, that can serve as an art center and a training workshop for those who want to and especially children. The talent is not ours, it is the heritage of humanity. « L’art et la culture constituent l’encre indélébile qui définit l’identité de chaque peuple et écrit l’histoire de chaque civilisation ».”