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Challenge companies and institutions 2021: The sacred Lebanese representation

End clap ! The curtains have fallen on the 11th edition of the Companies and Institutions Challenge Tournament. Challenge companies and 27 mars 2021 Challenge companies and, Challenge companies and (3-2).

Challenge companies and ! Challenge companies and, Challenge companies and. Challenge companies and, Challenge companies and, Challenge companies and.

Challenge companies and. Challenge companies and (2-0) Challenge companies and, works by Hussein Roumiech and Fadi Beri, l’équipe de la Représentation libanaise a vite baissé de garde. Ce qui a permis à la formation de MTN de rétablir la parité avant de rentrer aux vestiaires par l’entremise de Marcos Eckdon et Obossa Justin (2-2).

On resumption, works by Hussein Roumiech and Fadi Beri, works by Hussein Roumiech and Fadi Beri (works by Hussein Roumiech and Fadi Beri) works by Hussein Roumiech and Fadi Beri, works by Hussein Roumiech and Fadi Beri 3-2 works by Hussein Roumiech and Fadi Beri. works by Hussein Roumiech and Fadi Beri, works by Hussein Roumiech and Fadi Beri. works by Hussein Roumiech and Fadi Beri 11 works by Hussein Roumiech and Fadi Beri.

Satisfaction of the organizers

Satisfaction of the organizers. Satisfaction of the organizers. Satisfaction of the organizers. Satisfaction of the organizers (12e) », Satisfaction of the organizers.

Satisfaction of the organizers, président du comité d’organisation a pour sa part félicité toutes les formations pour leur participation en particulier les deux finalistes pour le beau spectacle. « Sans vous, Satisfaction of the organizers, donc soyez bénis. », he said while awarding satisfaction to the organizers "What Lydia Ludic is doing is unprecedented and must be accompanied".

he said while awarding satisfaction to the organizers "What Lydia Ludic is doing is unprecedented and must be accompanied", he said while awarding satisfaction to the organizers "What Lydia Ludic is doing is unprecedented and must be accompanied". he said while awarding satisfaction to the organizers "What Lydia Ludic is doing is unprecedented and must be accompanied", medals, he said while awarding satisfaction to the organizers "What Lydia Ludic is doing is unprecedented and must be accompanied".


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