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Headphones and earphones : Tools of great danger

 Headphones and earphones : Tools of great danger

Today at work, in the street, at home and even on the bed, many people find it difficult to part with headphones, unaware of the possible consequences of this practice on their health.

More and more people are embracing the use of headphones or headsets. For some people, this is a requirement in view of the profession, this is the case with Disc Jockey (DJ), sound takers, radio hosts. For Romain Konon radio host, it is impossible for him to be able to work without headphones and earphones. "We cannot do sound professions without making use of these tools. The journalist who has to process a sound and edit it, you imagine this one worked without an earphone ? », He wonders before adding "He may do his job badly and even disturb those around him at the moment. The DJ on his side also cannot work without his headphones ”.

For others, it is a fashion and allows you to distract yourself as Sodé Jacques, a student at the University of Abomey-Calavi says, "I use headphones most of the time. I will even say all day. Is, I use them to listen to music when I want to let off steam, either it is to communicate or listen to information ", he confided. To believe it,  this practice is more relaxed and "allows not to disturb others. It's a fad too ".

The fashion, this is also what Hortense H., student at the University of Abomey Calavi. "With the evolution of technology, the use of headphones and headsets is imposed on us since this is what is fashionable. Its use allows a certain discretion. For example when I am in public, I prefer to listen to music or communicate with headphones or earbuds. It's more convenient ", she stressed.

To the question of "Should we rely on the usefulness of these tools to hurt yourself? ?"" No "replies the young student who thinks that" In all things, excess is harmful. This indicates that the use of these tools should not be abused. For example, you cannot afford to sleep with headphones in your ears or even turn the volume up to a level where you cannot hear the one who is 50 meters from us ".

"Young people today no longer care about their health. These tools are very dangerous but they use it and abuse it ", thinks René Kpakpa a retiree from 60 years.

On both sides, this use of headphones has many consequences on the health of these people although it is not known to everyone. Sibavi Yvonne in her forties takes note of the harm caused by the use of headphones and earphones "Today I suffer from earaches and it is because of what I did with the headphones. I used to sleep with headphones hooked to my ear, I almost never parted with them despite what relatives said. Today i pay the costs. When people talk to me, I have trouble hearing ".

According to an article posted by the French site Le in 2009, scientists are starting to express serious concerns about this massive use, frequent and prolonged, to strong, even very strong, sound volumes. The same site notifies that there is a significant risk of hearing damage : cottony ear sensation, hissing and buzzing (tinnitus), partial loss of hearing perception (hypoacousie). Still according to the same source, the type and severity of lesions vary from person to person, based on medical history, the state of fatigue and how to use helmets : the higher the volume, frequent and prolonged listening, the more the person is exposed to serious and permanent damage. The World Health Organization (WHO) do not recommend using headphones for more than an hour per day at 85dB(A).

Some reflexes to preserve your hearing capital

Limit the sound volume of the audio device to which the headphones are connected. Health authorities recommend not to exceed 60% maximum volume, knowing that by raising the 3dB sound, the sound pressure is multiplied by 2. Maintain breaks. The hearing system with a recovery time of 6 at 12 noon after prolonged listening, even at moderate volume.


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