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Abortion : The consequences for women

Considered a criminal act, abortion, recently in Benin, could be done under exceptional conditions provided for by the law passed in December 2021 about the possibility of terminating a pregnancy. However, an abortion authorized or not can have negative repercussions on the health of the woman. In this number, Doctor Simon Seto, hospital surgeon evokes the consequences which could unravel.

“Since October 2021, a pregnant woman can legally request the voluntary termination of her pregnancy. The legal period retained is twelve (12) amenorrhea weeks, after this time, abortion becomes illegal., first clarified Doctor Simon Sèto. For him, abortion is defined “as the expulsion of the uterine contents”. Does a pregnancy continue before the 28th week of amenorrhea or (06) six months of pregnancy date on which the fetus “when it comes out is presumed likely to continue to live otherwise before this date we will speak of a late abortion or simply an abortion. “But after six months we are on the seventh (07do) months we will talk about the very premature and when the care is adapted and adequate, the child can be cared for from (08) eight months ".

Nature des grossesses…

“There are two types of abortions namely : spontaneous abortion and induced abortion, indicates Doctor Sèto. We speak of miscarriage or spontaneous or involuntary abortion, he explains, “when the embryo or fetus is expelled spontaneously before it is viable., i.e. before 22 amenorrhea weeks ". To the question of knowing in which case this abortion could provide. He answers : “A child who carries a malformation incompatible with life, the organism itself detects this and frees itself. When the female uterus the organ, reproductive system has malformations, diseases such as fibroids, which are still called myomas…

For example, the presence of these fibromatous nuclei which are hard bodies, the developing child will behave as if he is compressed while he is the one who is gaining volume and who will lean against a few things that do not offer him space, he's fed up. The accident of losing your child happens. The miscarriage can also be due to a domestic accident and many other things..

However, there are two kinds of induced abortion.. “It is an abortion which is voluntary by the fact of the woman or of someone else who believes that the pregnancy will not remain, hence the voluntary interruption called IVG” or “It is an abortion that will take place after consultation and consultation with a college of doctors who will estimate that the pregnancy must be interrupted. Et ce n’est pas dans n’importe quel cas ». This is the question we often hear, explains the surgeon “The woman who carries the pregnancy is not likely to keep it. And for good reason, elle porte une maladie qui lui interdite de contracter une grossesse. Si Le fœtus ou l’embryon porte une malformation incompatible à la vie. Because today there are methods of detecting these diseases, in particular ultrasound, which makes it possible to know if this child that the woman is going to give birth to will carry a malformation incompatible with life.. We also have abortions resulting from rape…”

A pregnant woman, including a minor, who does not wish to continue a pregnancy can request an interruption "this is why the practice of abortion is now regulated and several steps must be followed before and after the intervention".

Réussite de l’avortement…

According to the surgeon Sèto, the only way to know if your abortion was successful is to have a ten-day ultrasound (10) days after the operation. “The woman who undergoes a termination of pregnancy cannot have severe pain from prolonged excessive bleeding or fever”. He adds that “the bleeding can last one to three weeks”.

Consequences of abortion

The consequences of abortions vary from one woman to another depending on her personal situation.. According to the doctor, the consequences linked to women's abortions are bodily, psychosomatic and psychic. Of these explanations, it appears that the bodily consequences are of two kinds: early complications of abortion and late complications. Regarding early complications, we note “The wounds of the uterus, les saignements et puis les suites infectieuses”. At the level of late complications we have “the vegetation of the abdomen, irregular menstruation, infertility of non-organic origin, problem in subsequent pregnancies, especially miscarriages, premature births, increased perinatal mortality, l’augmentation du taux de grossesse tubaire des trompes ou de grossesse extra utérine “.

For psychosomatic consequences, there are “disorders of the functioning of the abdomen, disturbances in sexual behavior, i.e. libido disorders, orgasm, painful intercourse, migraines, sleep disorders, nightmares ". On the other hand, "uncontrolled and unjustified crying, anxiety, cyclothymias, changing moods, sign of nervous weakness, i.e. sweating , tremor, the roars, the palisades, nervousness, restlessness and tension hyperactivity, concentration and memory problems, the Depression, feelings of shame remorse and guilt, dark thoughts (to want to commit suicide), having the feeling of abandonment and inner emptiness, feeling of loneliness, abandonment and isolation and many other things”, are the psychological impacts of such an act.

Leopold GBEGAN

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