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Lawyer : A fruit that stabilizes blood sugar

 Lawyer : A fruit that stabilizes blood sugar

Native to Mexico and Central America, avocado belongs to the lauraceae family. He is a vegetable, which today is produced almost everywhere in the world because of its nutritional benefits for health.

Avocado is a superfood that is full of, enormous virtues essential for health. It is one of the flagship foods that have enough calories. It is a fruit that has fat. But the fats contained in the latter are unsaturated fatty acids which protect the cardiovascular system and the heart. It is therefore rich in omega 6 and omega 9. The famous omega 9 which is also found in olive oil and which has a very important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. This food also contains fiber, soluble and insoluble, which allows the digestive system to function well and gives a feeling of satiety thanks to oleic acid.

Two advantages of the lawyer
Avocado is a fruit that not only contains oleic acid but also a fatty acid that helps achieve optimal levels of good cholesterol.. More, it contains phytosterols which help reduce LDL levels (also known as “bad cholesterol”). In addition, this food is a fruit full of vitamins to know, vitamin A, B, C, K and in particular vitamin E which has protective effects against skin aging and the prevention of certain cancers. It also provides mineral salts like, le potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, the iron, copper and zinc minerals which are essential for the body. In his publication, the Feminibio website confirms the health benefits of this fruit. To believe it, avocado is a great food that contains so many nutrients, essential for well-being. Indeed, the carotenoids present in avocado work as antioxidants, which help prevent various pathologies such as eyes, cancer and other. The presence of lutein in avocado, is an antioxidant pigment that is part of the carotenoid family. However, lutein is known to fight against certain eye diseases., notably AMD (Age-Related Muscle Degeneration), and helps maintain good eyesight, despite the time. It is an anti-cancer food. This is what a team of Canadian researchers says, from the University of Waterloo. They worked on acute myeloid leukemia, a very aggressive form of blood cancer, and against which there is currently no effective treatment. Less than four out of ten patients recover ; there are in France some 3500 case, most often diagnosed after age 60. During their work, they discovered that avocado contained an anti-carcinogenic molecule (l’avocatine B), a liquid derived from the fruit, capable of effectively combating those leukemic strains. Or, these stem cells are responsible for the rapid spread of the disease in the body. Avocado B is an interesting substance, since it has the property of targeting defective cells, while sparing healthy cells. He also adds that the antioxidant properties of avocado also have effects on aesthetics.. It prevents skin aging, cells and protects hair. So, for healthy health, it is advisable to include this fruit in your daily diet because thanks to its richness in and vitamin K, avocado is a food that slows digestion and helps maintain blood sugar levels (blood sugar) stable. So, avocado is a very useful food for preventing the risks of diabetes in individuals.

Lawyer recommended for pregnant women
For pregnant women, the same source, reveals that avocado is one of the foods that they should not miss eating during their pregnancy. So, he conjures the latter to consume this food, because it would be almost essential during pregnancy due to its high fiber content, in magnesium, in protein, in potassium and in vitamins A, B, etc. Eating this fruit would help relieve nausea at the start of pregnancy., to soothe them and also help them fight against anemia. In addition to that, this fruit also contains fotales, nutrients that reduce the risk of birth defects in the fetus.
Likewise, It is recommended that women suffering from painful periods consume avocado regularly., because it contains a large number of unsaturated fats, which can help reduce inflammation thus relieving painful periods. The vitamin E contained in avocados also helps eliminate certain symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Is avocado really good for the body? ?
According to the European Scientist website “consuming too much avocado can actually be harmful to humans., or even fatal when the doses ingested are disproportionate. And for good reason, the fruit contains a significant amount of potassium twice as much as a banana, a substance that performs many actions in the body. Potassium thus acts internally with sodium by sending nerve transmissions to the muscles, so that they contract. Potassium is therefore essential for cardiovascular health. Excess potassium, we are talking about hyperkalemia, can cause or lead to more or less severe disorders. In the more serious form of hyperkalemia, it can cause heart rhythm disturbances. If the rate is very high, cardiac arrest can occur. “However, this will require a completely unreasonable consumption of the fruit over a short period of time,” he said..

Veronique GBEWOLO (Stag)

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