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Arianne Wakpo Nutritionist-Dietitian about food poisoning: “Discard suspicious foods and dishes…”

 Arianne Wakpo Nutritionist-Dietitian about food poisoning: “Discard suspicious foods and dishes…”

The human organism needs a good diet for its proper functioning in order to avoid certain diseases. But faced with the high cost of living ; many are boycotting this reality. So they get food poisoning.. In this interview, Arianne Wakpo Nutritionist-Dietitian, Independent Consultant, Promoter of the Dietetic Restaurant Det Foods Restaurant and Member of the Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians of Benin (ASNUDIB) gives us some details on this scourge.

What is food poisoning ?

It is an infection or disease caused by the consumption of food by bacteria, viruses, parasites and toxins.

What causes food poisoning ?

These are bacteria : Examples: salmonellosis responsible for salmonellosis or salmonella typhi which causes typhoid fever, Vibrio cholera responsible for cholera, staph toxins that cause staphylococcal disease. Listeria that causes listeriosis, campylobacters that give campylobacteriosis a bowel infection, and some strains of Escherichia coli. Viruses: rotaviruses, noroviruses, hepatitis A and E (often benign).Parasites : these are verses (tapeworm, ascaris, etc…) or single-celled organisms like toxoplasmosis dreaded for the fetus in women.

Tell us about the modes of contamination ?

Contamination occurs, among other things, through: the water, it is a vector of contamination of viruses and certain bacteria, whether it is drunk or used to wash or prepare food. In terms of food, the transmission of germs is from the food itself, the most concerned being the eggs, dairy products, meats,…. for salmonella, meats in general for campylobacter; dishes requiring human handling (salads, fast-foods, pastries) and dairy products for Staphylococcus aureus ; ground meat, unpasteurized dairy products, raw plants for Escherichiza Coli; raw meat, raw or smoked fish, the cold cuts, vegetables seafood, for listeria, raw or undercooked beef for tapeworm…etc… Hygiene is paramount. At this level, food preparation is a crucial moment. Germs can spread to food through dirty hands, contact with a countertop or poorly washed kitchen utensils, or a refrigerator that is not regularly disinfected. The multiplication of germs : a food can comply with health quality standards at the time of production and unsuitable for consumption on the plate: therefore germs can multiply during transport, storage, of the journey home, storage or preparation at home.

What are the signs or symptoms of contamination? ?

Most of the time it starts with abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea and/or vomiting, but also nervous disorders (sensitivity disorders, torpor…), or circulatory (redness, drop in blood pressure). The intensity of these disorders depends in part on the sensitivity of each.

How to treat food poisoning ?

It is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as the symptoms appear. In general you are put on antibiotics for a given period of time, depending on the severity of the infection.

Precautions to take to avoid food poisoning ?

Buy food from well-identified producers or traders, with product traceability; Respect the expiry dates, maintain the cold chain during transport, Store well in the refrigerator and freezer, respecting the appropriate temperatures, especially for sensitive foods such as meats, store them quickly after your shopping; Maintain strict hygiene in the kitchen, clean regularly and refrigerator (all the 15 average days), wash hands often before and after handling food; Cook sensitive foods sufficiently (meat, raw milk…) ; Do not leave food or cooked dishes out in the open; Discard suspicious foods and dishes.

Interview by: Veronique GBEWOLO (Stag)

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