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Breastfeeding makes you lose weight : Myth or reality

 Breastfeeding makes you lose weight : Myth or reality

Diet while breastfeeding is not recommended, especially if it is not followed by a nutritionist. Moreover, some women rely on breastfeeding to lose the pounds accumulated during pregnancy.

Is the claim that breastfeeding makes you lose weight just a myth or does it have scientific basis? ? Your pregnancy nutritionist explains the mechanism of weight gain during pregnancy and weight loss during breastfeeding to better understand.

Breastfeeding helps lose pregnancy pounds

What is true, Breastfeeding helps you lose pregnancy pounds. Indeed, breastfeeding contributes to burning on average 500 calories per day (or the equivalent of 45 at 60 minutes of moderate-intensity physical exercise). While during pregnancy, the daily caloric requirement is 1900 kcal ; during breastfeeding, he goes up to 2400 kcal (in case of exclusive breastfeeding). Breastfeeding is therefore a period conducive to the loss of fats stored by the body during pregnancy with a view to enriching breast milk..

However, breastfeeding helps to lose pregnancy pounds only under certain conditions ! In particular, breastfeeding must last 6 minimum month and the mother produces 1L of milk per 24 hours. Especially since breastfeeding, we also develop more appetite : if our caloric need increases but we consume more calories, there is no risk of burning calories stored during pregnancy !

Hormones, breastfeeding and weight gain

Hormones play a big role in weight gain and loss during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. In other words, not all bodies will react the same way ! Some women may, while breastfeeding, follow a dietary rebalancing and not consume too many calories, but they won't lose weight.

During pregnancy, many hormones are produced to support the growth of the breast and mammary gland in preparation for breastfeeding : it's estrogen, progesterone and placental lactogenic hormone. These hormones promote weight gain and fat storage in pregnant women. After childbirth, the production of these hormones decreases suddenly, which causes the action of another hormone, prolactin. If the woman is not breastfeeding, the prolactin level will drop again within a period of 2 weeks. If the woman is breastfeeding, prolactin will play an essential role during breastfeeding. It is in fact responsible for the manufacture of the components of breast milk. Everyone reacts differently to this hormone secretion, with a variable effect on weight.

Note that prolactin works together with oxytocin which is responsible for the ejection of milk.. Oxytocin promotes uterine contractions and therefore the return to a flat stomach.

What diet to adopt while breastfeeding ?

Just because caloric needs increase during breastfeeding does not mean you should eat twice as much.. If you want to activate weight loss during the breastfeeding period, you must first learn to listen to your hunger to find a happy medium. It's not about eating like four, but it’s not about starving yourself either !

To avoid cravings, favor complete, satisfying protein-based meals, vegetables and starchy foods. Foods rich in fiber, especially, will help you feel fuller for longer. Rather than eating sugary products as a snack, again favor healthy and filling foods such as cottage cheese or fruit.

The goal is not to follow a drastic diet but rather to rebalance your diet. However, if you are overweight and need to diet, it is advisable to wait 2 months after giving birth to start the breastfeeding diet.

In addition to maintaining a balanced diet, it's important to start moving again (walking is very good for example) to hope to lose pregnancy pounds through breastfeeding. Likewise, remember to drink plenty and eat slowly, chewing well : these rules which apply normally also apply during breastfeeding. Finally, don't neglect rest. A good night's sleep will be more effective than any diet to keep your metabolism functioning at its best.. If you need advice on managing your weight after pregnancy and while breastfeeding, call a nutritionist specializing in pregnancy.

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