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Cocaine case : The underside of drug trafficking in Benin

In recent years, spectacular cocaine catches, a synthetic drug, have become commonplace. The latest case concerns the seizure of 2,5 tonnes in Sèmè-Podji. Twelve people are already behind bars, including expatriates in this case which has not finished revealing its underwear.

More, between Benin and international drug trafficking, between Benin and international drug trafficking. So, between Benin and international drug trafficking 90, between Benin and international drug trafficking.

In 2011, between Benin and international drug trafficking, between Benin and international drug trafficking, between Benin and international drug trafficking. between Benin and international drug trafficking 483 between Benin and international drug trafficking 2007 and 2011. between Benin and international drug trafficking, between Benin and international drug trafficking, was imported to Benin where it was resold. Part of the proceeds thus made was sent to Lebanon via Togo and Ghana where Hezbollah agents received it..

Whenever illegal narcotics are discovered, successive governments have had a hard hand to discourage this type of trade, but obviously, it seems a waste of time because the catches are more and more numerous.

In reality, Benin is caught up in a spiral of drug trafficking against which it is poorly armed. Indeed, beyond its borders, it is all the coastal countries of West Africa that are, despite them, involved in this trade organized by groups which often have more financial and logistical means than African states and which are based in South America with ramifications in Europe and the United States. Generally, Drugs, especially cocaine, leaves South America, transits through West Africa to end up in Europe or the United States, his final destination.

Colombia and many other countries in Latin America used to export their product directly to the north of their continent but, for more than two decades, this path is almost impractical. Controls have become more rigorous, but above all, the drug traffickers are now engaged in a merciless war between them on the one hand and on the other with the Mexican police, the drug traffickers are now engaged in a merciless war between them on the one hand and on the other with the Mexican police. the drug traffickers are now engaged in a merciless war between them on the one hand and on the other with the Mexican police.

the drug traffickers are now engaged in a merciless war between them on the one hand and on the other with the Mexican police, the drug traffickers are now engaged in a merciless war between them on the one hand and on the other with the Mexican police, the drug traffickers are now engaged in a merciless war between them on the one hand and on the other with the Mexican police, the drug traffickers are now engaged in a merciless war between them on the one hand and on the other with the Mexican police, the drug traffickers are now engaged in a merciless war between them on the one hand and on the other with the Mexican police. the drug traffickers are now engaged in a merciless war between them on the one hand and on the other with the Mexican police 2000, the drug traffickers are now engaged in a merciless war between them on the one hand and on the other with the Mexican police, the drug traffickers are now engaged in a merciless war between them on the one hand and on the other with the Mexican police, were seized at Portuguese airports and ports, spanish and french. The drugs seized came mainly from these small countries, but also from Senegal. The trend does not seem to be downward in these countries since, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), recent cocaine seizures in West Africa, especially in Cape Verde, in Guinea Bissau, in The Gambia and Senegal, reach 42 tons between 2019 and 2021.

The drug trade is by nature clandestine, the current catches are actually just the tip of the iceberg. The interests at stake are so important that the drug traffickers based in South America will not be discouraged by a few quantities seized. And they will always find respondents willing to do anything to enrich themselves. The states of Benin and West Africa are therefore engaged in a standoff with powers whose budgets are often higher.. It is already commendable that every seizure is subject to due arrests and proceedings, in any case in Benin. But no West African state can on its own overcome the cartels lurking in South America.. Hence the need for cooperation with the countries of origin and those of destination of the drug.


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