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Absence of public lighting on the Godomey-Akassato road : Unsafe users

Lack of lighting on. Lack of lighting on. Lack of lighting on.

Lack of lighting on, Lack of lighting on. Lack of lighting on, Lack of lighting on. A situation of road insecurity due in places to the non-functioning of the streetlights installed. C’est le cas par exemple sur le tronçon Godomey-Calavi-Akassato où la grande partie des lampadaires sensés éclairer cette route ne sont plus fonctionnels.

A situation of road insecurity due in places to the non-functioning of the streetlights installed, A situation of road insecurity due in places to the non-functioning of the streetlights installed. A situation of road insecurity due in places to the non-functioning of the streetlights installed. A situation of road insecurity due in places to the non-functioning of the streetlights installed, le mal est plus profond. Les panneaux et leurs batteries ont été enlevés par des individus indélicats. Result, la zone communément appelée « Forêt » située juste avant le péage de Ouidah est dans une ténébrité incomparable. « Outre le mauvais état de nos routes, the area commonly called “Forest” located just before the Ouidah tollbooth is in incomparable darkness. “Besides the poor state of our roads. the area commonly called “Forest” located just before the Ouidah tollbooth is in incomparable darkness. “Besides the poor state of our roads, the area commonly called “Forest” located just before the Ouidah tollbooth is in incomparable darkness. “Besides the poor state of our roads, the area commonly called “Forest” located just before the Ouidah tollbooth is in incomparable darkness. “Besides the poor state of our roads. the area commonly called “Forest” located just before the Ouidah tollbooth is in incomparable darkness. “Besides the poor state of our roads, the area commonly called “Forest” located just before the Ouidah tollbooth is in incomparable darkness. “Besides the poor state of our roads. Reducing the cases of accidents and insecurity on our roads also depends on the good visibility offered by the lighting system to the users that we are”.

Reducing the cases of accidents and insecurity on our roads also depends on the good visibility offered by the lighting system to the users that we are”. Reducing the cases of accidents and insecurity on our roads also depends on the good visibility offered by the lighting system to the users that we are”, Reducing the cases of accidents and insecurity on our roads also depends on the good visibility offered by the lighting system to the users that we are”. The lack of lighting is therefore a problem that must be solved as soon as possible by the authorities, in particular the mayors of the cities concerned..

Des feux tricolores souvent non fonctionnels

On the large crossroads of the General Education College of Godomey, les feux tricolores fonctionnent par moment. Further on at the Lobozounkpa crossroads still in the Godomey district, the observation is the same. At this level, On the Kouhounou crossroads just past the Friendship stadium on the way to Calavi. Having lost control of his truck, the conductor had to fall back to the central reservation causing extensive material damage. On the RN2 Interstate Road, seuls les carrefours de Calavi Kpota et Aconville puis par moment ceux du carrefour Iita qui jouissent du bon fonctionnement des feux tricolores. Romeo V. is taximan, he also says he is saddened by the observation and places the responsibilities “It is very sad what is happening The road infrastructures built for us are destroyed in a very short time. Those responsible for these acts are largely the drivers of large vehicles ”, he suggested before adding that "A truck driver who destroys what orients him and protects him on the way, puts not only his life in danger but especially that of other users.. But the State must find the mechanism to deal with the most urgent "says Jacques.


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